
About the FourierPropagator class

The WaveBlocks Project

@author: R. Bourquin @copyright: Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012 R. Bourquin @license: Modified BSD License

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of FourierPropagator

Class documentation

class WaveBlocks.FourierPropagator(potential, initial_values, para)

This class can numerically propagate given initial values |\Psi\rangle in a potential surface V\left(x\right). The propagation is done with a Strang splitting of the time propagation operator.

Psi = None

The initial values of the components \psi_i sampled at the given nodes.

T = None

The kinetic operator T defined in momentum space.

TE = None

Exponential \exp\left(T\right) of T used in the Strang splitting.

V = None

The potential operator V defined in position space.

VE = None

Exponential \exp\left(V\right) of V used in the Strang splitting.

Returns:The number of components of |\Psi\rangle.
Returns:Return the numerical expressions of the propagation operators T and V.
Returns:The MatrixPotential instance used for time propagation.
Returns:The WaveFunction instance that stores the current wavefunction data.

This method just delegates the calculation of kinetic energies to the embedded WaveFunction object.

Parameters:summed – Whether to sum up the kinetic energies of the individual components.
Returns:The kinetic energies.
nodes = None

The position space nodes \gamma.

omega = None

The momentum space nodes \omega.

potential = None

The embedded MatrixPotential instance representing the potential V.


This method just delegates the calculation of potential energies to the embedded WaveFunction object.

Parameters:summed – Whether to sum up the potential energies of the individual components.
Returns:The potential energies.

Given the wavefunction values \Psi at time t, calculate new values at time t + \tau. We perform exactly one timestep \tau here.

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