
About the SpawnNonAdiabaticPropagator class

The WaveBlocks Project

This file contains a simple spawning propagator class for wavepackets and spawning in the non-adiabatic case.

@author: R. Bourquin @copyright: Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012 R. Bourquin @license: Modified BSD License

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of SpawnNonAdiabaticPropagator

Class documentation

class SpawnNonAdiabaticPropagator.SpawnNonAdiabaticPropagator(propagator, potential, packet, leading_component, parameters)[source]

This class can numerically propagate given initial values \Psi in a potential V(x). The propagation is done for several given homogeneous Hagedorn wavepackets neglecting interaction.

Returns:The number N of components \Phi_i of \Psi.

Get the number of packets \Psi_n taking part in the simulation.

Returns:The number of packets currently taking part in the simulation.
Returns:The MatrixPotential instance used for time propagation.

Retrieve the wavepackets taking part in the simulation.

Parameters:packet (Integer) – The number of a single packet that is to be returned.
Returns:A list of HagedornWavepacket instances that represents the current wavepackets.
number_components = None

The number N of components the wavepacket \Psi has got.

oracle = None

The condition which determines when to spawn.

packets = None

The list of HagedornWavepacket taking part in the simulation.

potential = None

The potential V(x) the packet(s) feel.


Given the wavepacket \Psi at time t compute the propagated wavepacket at time t + \tau. We perform exactly one timestep \tau here. At every timestep we check the spawning condition.


Check if there is a reason to spawn a new wavepacket.


Really spawn the new wavepackets \tilde{\Psi}. This method appends the new HagedornWavepacket instances to the list packets of packets.

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