Source code for FileTools

"""The WaveBlocks Project

This file contains various functions for finding and retrieving
the files that contain parameter settings and simulation results.
Note: The terms 'path' and 'ID' are used as synonyms here. Each simulation
ID is just the base name of the path or the configuration file.

@author: R. Bourquin
@copyright: Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016 R. Bourquin
@license: Modified BSD License

import os
import operator as op
from functools import reduce
from collections import OrderedDict

from WaveBlocksND import GlobalDefaults as GD

[docs]def get_result_dirs(path): r"""Lists all simulations (IDs) that can be found under the given path. :param path: The file system path under which we search for simulations. :return: A list of simulation IDs. """ dirs = [os.path.join(path, adir) for adir in os.listdir(path)] return list(filter(os.path.isdir, dirs))
[docs]def get_parameters_file(path, unpack=True): r"""Search for a configuration file containing the simulation parameters under a given path. Note that in case there are more than one .py file under the given path we return a list of all. :parameter path: The path under which we search for a configuration file. :param unpack: Whether to unpack a single unique result instead of returning it inside a list. :type unpack: Boolean, default is ``True``. :return: The path (file name) of the configuration file. """ parameters_files = [] for afile in os.listdir(path): if afile.endswith(".py"): parameters_files.append(afile) if len(parameters_files) == 0: raise IOError("No configuration .py file found!") parameters_files = [os.path.join(path, rf) for rf in parameters_files] if unpack and len(parameters_files) == 1: parameters_files = parameters_files[0] return parameters_files
[docs]def get_results_file(path, fileext=GD.ext_resultdatafile, unpack=True): r"""Search for a file containing the simulation results under a given path. Note that in case there are more than one .hdf5 file under the given path we return a list of all. :param path: The path under which we search for a output file. :param unpack: Whether to unpack a single unique result instead of returning it inside a list. :type unpack: Boolean, default is ``True``. :return: The path (file name) of the output file. """ results_files = [] for afile in os.listdir(path): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, afile)) and afile.endswith(fileext): results_files.append(afile) if len(results_files) == 0: raise IOError("No results .hdf5 file found!") results_files = [os.path.join(path, rf) for rf in results_files] if unpack and len(results_files) == 1: results_files = results_files[0] return results_files
[docs]def get_number_simulations(path): r"""Get the number of simulations at hand below the given path. :param path: The path under which we search for a output file. :return: The number of simulations result directories. """ ids = get_result_dirs(path) return len(ids)
[docs]def name_contains(name, pattern): r"""Checks if a simulation ID contains a given pattern. :param name: The full simulation ID. :param pattern: The pattern in question. :return: A boolean answer. """ return pattern in name
[docs]def gather_all(stringlist, pattern): r"""Collects all simulation IDs which contain a specific pattern from a given list. :param stringlist: A list with the simulation IDs. :param pattern: The pattern. :return: A list of simulation IDs that contain the given pattern. """ gathered = [s for s in stringlist if name_contains(s, pattern)] return gathered
[docs]def compare_by(namea, nameb, pattern, ldel=GD.kvp_ldel, mdel=GD.kvp_mdel, rdel=GD.kvp_rdel, as_string=True): r"""Compare two simulation IDs with respect to a (numerical) value in the ID. :param namea: The first name in the comparison. :param nameb: The second name in the comparison. :param pattern: The pattern whose (numerical) value is used for sorting. :param ldel: Left delimiter of the pattern. :param mdel: Middle delimiter of the pattern. :param rdel: Right delimiter of the pattern. :param as_string: Determines if the values for ``pattern`` get converted to floats. :return: A boolean answer if the IDs are the same w.r.t the pattern. """ part1 = namea.partition(ldel + pattern + mdel) part2 = nameb.partition(ldel + pattern + mdel) part1 = part1[0:2] + part1[2].partition(rdel) part2 = part2[0:2] + part2[2].partition(rdel) # Convert values to float for comparisons if not as_string: part1 = part1[0:2] + (float(part1[2]),) + part1[3:] part2 = part2[0:2] + (float(part2[2]),) + part2[3:] return part1[2] == part2[2]
[docs]def group_by(stringlist, pattern, ldel=GD.kvp_ldel, mdel=GD.kvp_mdel, rdel=GD.kvp_rdel, as_string=True): r"""Groups simulation IDs with respect to a pattern. :param stringlist: A list with the simulation IDs. :param pattern: The pattern used for grouping. :param ldel: Left delimiter of the pattern. :param mdel: Middle delimiter of the pattern. :param rdel: Right delimiter of the pattern. :param as_string: Determines if the values for ``pattern`` get converted to floats. Not used here. :return: A list of groups of simulation IDs. """ tmp = [s.partition(ldel + pattern + mdel) for s in stringlist] tmp = [s[0:2] + s[2].partition(rdel) for s in tmp] distinct_vals = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys([s[2] for s in tmp])) groups = [[] for i in range(len(distinct_vals))] for item in tmp: for index, val in enumerate(distinct_vals): # Yes, we compare the strings here and not the floats # to avoid representation errors when converting to floats. if item[2] == val: # Concatenate the fragments again groups[index].append(reduce(op.add, item)) break return groups
[docs]def intersect_by(lista, listb, pattern, ldel=GD.kvp_ldel, mdel=GD.kvp_mdel, rdel=GD.kvp_rdel, as_string=True): r"""Find the intersection of two lists containing simulation IDs. :param lista: A first list with the simulation IDs. :param listb: A second list with the simulation IDs. :param pattern: The pattern whose numerical value is used for sorting. :param ldel: Left delimiter of the pattern. :param mdel: Middle delimiter of the pattern. :param rdel: Right delimiter of the pattern. :param as_string: Determines if the values for ``pattern`` get converted to floats. :return: A sorted list of simulation IDs. """ result = [] for namea in lista: for nameb in listb: if compare_by(namea, nameb, pattern, ldel=ldel, mdel=mdel, rdel=rdel, as_string=as_string): result.append(namea) result.append(nameb) # Remove possible duplicates result = list(set(result)) return result
[docs]def exclude(lista, listb): r"""Remove from a list of simulation IDs another such list of IDs. :param lista: A first list with the simulation IDs. :param listb: A second list with the simulation IDs. :return: A list of all simulation IDs present in `lista` but not in `listb`. """ result = list(set(lista) - set(listb)) return result
[docs]def sort_by(stringlist, pattern, ldel=GD.kvp_ldel, mdel=GD.kvp_mdel, rdel=GD.kvp_rdel, as_string=False): r"""Sorts simulation IDs with respect to a (numerical) value in the ID. :param stringlist: A list with the simulation IDs. :param pattern: The pattern whose (numerical) value is used for sorting. :param ldel: Left delimiter of the pattern. :param mdel: Middle delimiter of the pattern. :param rdel: Right delimiter of the pattern. :param as_string: Determines if the values for ``pattern`` get converted to floats. :return: A sorted list of simulation IDs. """ tmp = [s.partition(ldel + pattern + mdel) for s in stringlist] tmp = [s[0:2] + s[2].partition(rdel) for s in tmp] if not as_string: # Convert to float and append numeric values to the splitted IDs tmp = [s + (float(s[2]),) for s in tmp] else: # Use string in comparison, allows sorting tmp = [s + (s[2],) for s in tmp] # Sort w.r.t. the numerical value tmp.sort(key=lambda x: x[-1]) # Remove numeric value and concatenate the fragments again sorted_list = [reduce(op.add, s[:-1]) for s in tmp] return sorted_list
[docs]def sort_and_group_by(stringlist, pattern, ldel=GD.kvp_ldel, mdel=GD.kvp_mdel, rdel=GD.kvp_rdel, as_string=False): r"""Sorts and groups simulation IDs with respect to a pattern. :param stringlist: A list with the simulation IDs. :param pattern: The pattern used for sorting and grouping. :param ldel: Left delimiter of the pattern. :param mdel: Middle delimiter of the pattern. :param rdel: Right delimiter of the pattern. :param as_string: Determines if the values for ``pattern`` get converted to floats. Not used here. :return: A list of groups of simulation IDs. """ return group_by(sort_by(stringlist, pattern, ldel=ldel, mdel=mdel, rdel=rdel, as_string=as_string), pattern, ldel=ldel, mdel=mdel, rdel=rdel, as_string=as_string)
[docs]def get_max_by(stringlist, pattern, ldel=GD.kvp_ldel, mdel=GD.kvp_mdel, rdel=GD.kvp_rdel, as_string=False): r"""Get the maximum of a list with simulation IDs with respect to a (numerical) value in the ID. This is just a simple convenience function so that the user needs not to remember if the sort order is ascending or descending which plays no role for iteration. :param stringlist: A list with the simulation IDs. :param pattern: The pattern whose (numerical) value is used for sorting. :param ldel: Left delimiter of the pattern. :param mdel: Middle delimiter of the pattern. :param rdel: Right delimiter of the pattern. :param as_string: Determines if the values for ``pattern`` get converted to floats. :return: A sorted list of simulation IDs. """ sortedlist = sort_by(stringlist, pattern, ldel=ldel, mdel=mdel, rdel=rdel, as_string=as_string) return sortedlist[-1]
[docs]def get_min_by(stringlist, pattern, ldel=GD.kvp_ldel, mdel=GD.kvp_mdel, rdel=GD.kvp_rdel, as_string=False): r"""Get the minimum of a list with simulation IDs with respect to a (numerical) value in the ID. This is just a simple convenience function so that the user needs not to remember if the sort order is ascending or descending which plays no role for iteration. :param stringlist: A list with the simulation IDs. :param pattern: The pattern whose (numerical) value is used for sorting. :param ldel: Left delimiter of the pattern. :param mdel: Middle delimiter of the pattern. :param rdel: Right delimiter of the pattern. :param as_string: Determines if the values for ``pattern`` get converted to floats. :return: A sorted list of simulation IDs. """ sortedlist = sort_by(stringlist, pattern, ldel=ldel, mdel=mdel, rdel=rdel, as_string=as_string) return sortedlist[0]
[docs]def get_items(name, ldel=GD.kvp_ldel, mdel=GD.kvp_mdel, rdel=GD.kvp_rdel): r"""Get a list of all the ``key=value`` items in the name. :param name: The name from which to get the items. :return: A list of all ``key=value`` items present in the ``name``. """ parts = name.split(ldel) items = [ldel + p.rsplit(rdel)[0] + rdel for p in parts if rdel in p] return items
[docs]def get_item(name, pattern, ldel=GD.kvp_ldel, mdel=GD.kvp_mdel, rdel=GD.kvp_rdel, unpack=True): r"""Get a single ``key=value`` item out of the name. The ``pattern`` specifies the ``key`` part. :param name: The name from which to get the item. :param pattern: The pattern whose value is used for ``key``. :param unpack: Whether to unpack a single unique result instead of returning it inside a list. :type unpack: Boolean, default is ``True``. :return: A (list of the) item(s) whose ``key`` part matches ``pattern``. """ items = get_items(name, ldel=ldel, mdel=mdel, rdel=rdel) searchfor = ldel + pattern + mdel result = [item for item in items if searchfor in item] if len(result) == 0: print("Warning: pattern '{}' not found in: {}".format((pattern, name))) if unpack and len(result) == 1: result = result[0] return result
[docs]def get_by_item(stringlist, item): r"""Get a filtered list of simulation IDs containing a given ``key=value`` item. :param stringlist: A list with the simulation IDs. :param item: The ``key=value`` item to search for. :return: A list of simulation IDs. """ result = [name for name in stringlist if item in name] return result
[docs]def get_value(item, ldel=GD.kvp_ldel, mdel=GD.kvp_mdel, rdel=GD.kvp_rdel): r"""Get the ``value`` part of a given ``key=value`` pair. :param item: The ``key=value`` item. :param ldel: Left delimiter of the pattern. :param mdel: Middle delimiter of the pattern. :param rdel: Right delimiter of the pattern. :return: The ``value`` part of the given item. """ # Assert 'item' is a single item if not (item.count(mdel) == 1 and item[0] == ldel and item[-1] == rdel): raise ValueError("The item '{}' is not a single item.".format(item)) rightpart = item.partition(mdel) value = rightpart[-1].partition(rdel) return value[0]
[docs]def get_by_value(stringlist, pattern, value, ldel=GD.kvp_ldel, mdel=GD.kvp_mdel, rdel=GD.kvp_rdel): r"""Get a filtered list of simulation IDs by specifying the ``key`` and ``value`` of some ``key=value`` pair. :param stringlist: A list with the simulation IDs. :param pattern: The pattern that is used for ``key``. :param value: The value that is used for ``value``. :param ldel: Left delimiter of the pattern. :param mdel: Middle delimiter of the pattern. :param rdel: Right delimiter of the pattern. :return: A list of IDs that contain a ``key`` with given ``value``. """ result = [] for name in stringlist: items = get_item(name, pattern, unpack=False) if len(items) > 1: print("Warning: ambiguous pattern '{} in: {}".format((pattern, name))) for item in items: val = get_value(item, ldel=ldel, mdel=mdel, rdel=rdel) if str(val) == str(value): result.append(name) break return result
[docs]def get_value_of(name, pattern, ldel=GD.kvp_ldel, mdel=GD.kvp_mdel, rdel=GD.kvp_rdel, unpack=True): r"""Get the ``value`` part corresponding to a given ``key`` of an item. :param name: The name from which to get the value. :param pattern: The pattern whose value is used for ``key``. :param ldel: Left delimiter of the pattern. :param mdel: Middle delimiter of the pattern. :param rdel: Right delimiter of the pattern. :param unpack: Whether to unpack a single unique result instead of returning it inside a list. :type unpack: Boolean, default is ``True``. :return: The ``value`` part of the found item. (If there are multiple matching items, return all values.) """ items = get_item(name, pattern, ldel=ldel, mdel=mdel, rdel=rdel, unpack=False) values = [get_value(i, ldel=ldel, mdel=mdel, rdel=rdel) for i in items] if unpack and len(values) == 1: values = values[0] return values
[docs]def split_list(alist, n): r"""Split a list into :math:`n` parts. :param alist: The list to split. :param n: The number of parts. :return: A list containing the pieces of the original list. .. note:: The pieces are *not* continuous sublists of the given list. """ n = max(1, n) n = min(len(alist), n) return [alist[i::n] for i in range(n)]