"""The WaveBlocks Project
IOM plugin providing functions for handling
linear combinations of Hagedorn wavepackets.
@author: R. Bourquin
@copyright: Copyright (C) 2013, 2016 R. Bourquin
@license: Modified BSD License
import numpy as np
[docs]def add_lincombhawp(self, parameters, timeslots=None, lincombsize=None, wavepacketsize=None, blockid=0, key=("q", "p", "Q", "P", "S")):
r"""Add storage for the linear combination of Hagedorn wavepackets.
:param parameters: An :py:class:`ParameterProvider` instance with at
least the keys ``dimension`` and ``ncomponents``.
:param timeslots: The number of time slots we need. Can be set to ``None``
to get automatically growing datasets.
:param lincombsize: The (maximal) size ``J`` of the linear combination of wavepackets. If specified
this remains fixed for all timeslots. Can be set to ``None`` (default)
to get automatically growing datasets.
:param wavepacketsize: The (maximal) basis shape size ``K`` of each of the wavepackets. If specified
this remains fixed for all timeslots. Can be set to ``None`` (default)
to get automatically growing datasets.
:param blockid: The ID of the data block to operate on.
:param key: Specify which parameters to save. All are independent.
:type key: Tuple of valid identifier strings that are ``q``, ``p``, ``Q``, ``P``, ``S`` and ``adQ``.
Default is ``("q", "p", "Q", "P", "S")``.
N = parameters["ncomponents"]
D = parameters["dimension"]
# TODO: Handle multi-component packets
assert N == 1
if timeslots is None:
T = 0
Ts = None
T = timeslots
Ts = timeslots
if lincombsize is None:
J = 0
Js = None
csJs = 32
J = lincombsize
Js = lincombsize
csJs = min(32, Js)
if wavepacketsize is None:
K = 0
Ks = None
csKs = 8
K = wavepacketsize
Ks = wavepacketsize
csKs = min(8, Ks)
# The overall group containing all lincombwp data
grp_lc = self._srf[self._prefixb + str(blockid)].require_group("lincombhawp")
# The group for storing the wavepacket basis shapes
# The group for storing the wavepacket parameter set Pi
grp_wppi = grp_lc.create_group("Pi")
# The group for storing the wavepacket coefficients
grp_wpci = grp_lc.create_group("wp_coefficients")
# Create the dataset with appropriate parameters
daset_tg_lc = grp_lc.create_dataset("timegrid_lc_coefficients", (T,), dtype=np.integer, chunks=True, maxshape=(Ts,), fillvalue=-1)
grp_lc.create_dataset("timegrid_wp_parameters", (T,), dtype=np.integer, chunks=True, maxshape=(Ts,), fillvalue=-1)
grp_lc.create_dataset("timegrid_wp_coefficients", (T,), dtype=np.integer, chunks=True, maxshape=(Ts,), fillvalue=-1)
grp_lc.create_dataset("lincomb_size", (T,), dtype=np.integer, chunks=True, maxshape=(Ts,), fillvalue=J)
# Linear combination coefficients
grp_lc.create_dataset("lc_coefficients", (T, J), dtype=np.complexfloating, chunks=(1, csJs), maxshape=(Ts, Js))
# Linear combination wavepackets
grp_lc.create_dataset("basis_shapes_hashes", (T, J, N), dtype=np.integer, chunks=(1, csJs, 1), maxshape=(Ts, Js, N))
grp_lc.create_dataset("basis_sizes", (T, J, N), dtype=np.integer, chunks=(1, csJs, 1), maxshape=(Ts, Js, N))
# Wavepacket parameters
if "q" in key and "q" not in grp_wppi.keys():
grp_wppi.create_dataset("q", (T, J, D), dtype=np.complexfloating, chunks=(1, csJs, D), maxshape=(Ts, Js, D))
if "p" in key and "p" not in grp_wppi.keys():
grp_wppi.create_dataset("p", (T, J, D), dtype=np.complexfloating, chunks=(1, csJs, D), maxshape=(Ts, Js, D))
if "Q" in key and "Q" not in grp_wppi.keys():
grp_wppi.create_dataset("Q", (T, J, D, D), dtype=np.complexfloating, chunks=(1, csJs, D, D), maxshape=(Ts, Js, D, D))
if "P" in key and "P" not in grp_wppi.keys():
grp_wppi.create_dataset("P", (T, J, D, D), dtype=np.complexfloating, chunks=(1, csJs, D, D), maxshape=(Ts, Js, D, D))
if "S" in key and "S" not in grp_wppi.keys():
grp_wppi.create_dataset("S", (T, J, 1), dtype=np.complexfloating, chunks=(1, csJs, 1), maxshape=(Ts, Js, 1))
# Wavepacket coefficients
for i in range(N):
grp_wpci.create_dataset("c_" + str(i), (T, J, K), dtype=np.complexfloating, chunks=(1, csJs, csKs), maxshape=(Ts, Js, Ks))
# Attach pointer to timegrid
daset_tg_lc.attrs["pointer"] = 0
grp_wppi.attrs["pointer"] = 0
grp_wpci.attrs["pointer"] = 0
[docs]def delete_lincombhawp(self, blockid=0):
r"""Remove the stored linear combination.
:param blockid: The ID of the data block to operate on.
del self._srf[self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp"]
except KeyError:
[docs]def has_lincombhawp(self, blockid=0):
r"""Ask if the specified data block has the desired data tensor.
:param blockid: The ID of the data block to operate on.
return "lincombhawp" in self._srf[self._prefixb + str(blockid)].keys()
[docs]def save_lincombhawp_description(self, descr, blockid=0):
r"""Save the description of this linear combination.
:param descr: The description.
:param blockid: The ID of the data block to operate on.
pathd = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp"
# Save the description
for key, value in descr.items():
self._srf[pathd].attrs[key] = self._save_attr_value(value)
[docs]def save_lincombhawp_coefficients(self, coefficients, timestep, blockid=0):
r"""Save the coefficients of the linear combination to a file.
:param coefficients: The coefficients of the linear combination of wavepackets.
:type coefficients: A single, suitable ``ndarray``.
:param timestep: The timestep at which we save the data.
:param blockid: The ID of the data block to operate on.
pathtg = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/timegrid_lc_coefficients"
pathlcs = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/lincomb_size"
pathd = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/lc_coefficients"
timeslot = self._srf[pathtg].attrs["pointer"]
# Write the data
self.must_resize(pathlcs, timeslot)
J = np.size(coefficients)
self._srf[pathlcs][timeslot] = J
self.must_resize(pathd, timeslot)
if not J == 0:
self.must_resize(pathd, J - 1, axis=1)
self._srf[pathd][timeslot, :J] = np.squeeze(coefficients)
# Write the timestep to which the stored values belong into the timegrid
self.must_resize(pathtg, timeslot)
self._srf[pathtg][timeslot] = timestep
# Update the pointer
self._srf[pathtg].attrs["pointer"] += 1
[docs]def save_lincombhawp_wavepacket_parameters(self, parameters, timestep, blockid=0, key=("q", "p", "Q", "P", "S")):
r"""Save the parameter set :math:`\Pi` of the Hagedorn wavepacket :math:`\Psi` to a file.
:param parameters: The parameter set of the Hagedorn wavepacket.
:type parameters: A ``list`` containing the (five) ``ndarrays`` like :math:`(q,p,Q,P,S)`
:param timestep: The timestep at which we save the data.
:param blockid: The ID of the data block to operate on.
:param key: Specify which parameters to save. All are independent.
:type key: Tuple of valid identifier strings that are ``q``, ``p``, ``Q``, ``P``, ``S`` and ``adQ``.
Default is ``("q", "p", "Q", "P", "S")``.
pathtg = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/timegrid_wp_parameters"
pathlcs = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/lincomb_size"
pathd = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/Pi/"
timeslot = self._srf[pathd].attrs["pointer"]
# TODO: This an assumption based on data layout and stable
J = parameters[0].shape[0]
# Write the basis size
self.must_resize(pathlcs, timeslot)
self._srf[pathlcs][timeslot] = J
# Write the parameters
for key, item in zip(key, parameters):
self.must_resize(pathd + key, timeslot)
self.must_resize(pathd + key, J - 1, axis=1)
self._srf[pathd + key][timeslot, :J, ...] = item
# Write the timestep to which the stored values belong into the timegrid
self.must_resize(pathtg, timeslot)
self._srf[pathtg][timeslot] = timestep
# Update the pointer
self._srf[pathd].attrs["pointer"] += 1
[docs]def save_lincombhawp_wavepacket_coefficients(self, coefficients, basisshapes, timestep=None, blockid=0):
r"""Save the coefficients of the Hagedorn wavepacket linear combination to a file.
Warning: we do only save tha hash of the basis shapes here!
You have to save the basis shape with the corresponding function too.
:param coefficients: The coefficients of the Hagedorn wavepacket.
:type coefficients: A ``list`` with :math:`N` suitable ``ndarrays``.
:param basisshapes: The corresponding basis shapes of the Hagedorn wavepacket.
:type basisshapes: A ``list`` with :math:`N` :py:class:`BasisShape` subclass instances.
:param timestep: The timestep at which we save the data.
:param blockid: The ID of the data block to operate on.
pathtg = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/timegrid_wp_coefficients"
pathlcs = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/lincomb_size"
pathbsi = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/basis_sizes"
pathbsh = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/basis_shapes_hashes"
pathd = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/wp_coefficients/"
timeslot = self._srf[pathd].attrs["pointer"]
# Write the lincomb size
basissizes = [K.get_basis_size() for K in basisshapes]
J = len(basissizes)
self.must_resize(pathlcs, timeslot)
self._srf[pathlcs][timeslot] = J
# Write all basis sizes
self.must_resize(pathbsi, timeslot)
self.must_resize(pathbsi, J - 1, axis=1)
self._srf[pathbsi][timeslot, :J, 0] = np.array(basissizes)
# Write basis shape hashes
basisshapeshashes = np.array([hash(K) for K in basisshapes])
self.must_resize(pathbsh, timeslot)
self.must_resize(pathbsh, J - 1, axis=1)
self._srf[pathbsh][timeslot, :J, 0] = basisshapeshashes
# Write the wavepackets coefficients data
coefficients = np.atleast_2d(coefficients)
j, k = coefficients.shape
# TODO: Allow wavepackets with multiple components
index = 0
pathc = pathd + "c_" + str(index)
# Do we have to resize due to changed number of packets or coefficients
self.must_resize(pathc, timeslot)
self.must_resize(pathc, j - 1, axis=1)
self.must_resize(pathc, k - 1, axis=2)
self._srf[pathc][timeslot, :j, :k] = coefficients
# Write the timestep to which the stored values belong into the timegrid
self.must_resize(pathtg, timeslot)
self._srf[pathtg][timeslot] = timestep
# Update the pointer
self._srf[pathd].attrs["pointer"] += 1
[docs]def save_lincombhawp_wavepacket_basisshapes(self, basisshapes, blockid=0):
r"""Save the basis shapes of the linear combination of
Hagedorn wavepacket to a file.
:param basisshapes: A list of the basis shapes of the linear combination.
:param blockid: The ID of the data block to operate on.
pathd = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/basisshapes/"
for basisshape in basisshapes:
ha = hash(basisshape)
name = "basis_shape_" + str(ha)
# Chech if we already stored this basis shape
if name not in self._srf[pathd].keys():
# TODO: Consider storing all hashes in one big dataset
# Create new data set
daset = self._srf[pathd].create_dataset("basis_shape_" + str(ha), (1,), dtype=np.integer)
daset[0] = ha
# Save the description
descr = basisshape.get_description()
for key, value in descr.items():
daset.attrs[key] = self._save_attr_value(value)
[docs]def load_lincombhawp_description(self, blockid=0):
r"""Load the description of this linear combination.
:param blockid: The ID of the data block to operate on.
pathd = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp"
# Load and return all descriptions available
descr = {}
for key, value in self._srf[pathd].attrs.items():
descr[key] = self._load_attr_value(value)
return descr
[docs]def load_lincombhawp_timegrid(self, blockid=0, key=("coeffs", "packets")):
r"""Load the timegrid of this linear combination.
:param blockid: The ID of the data block to operate on.
:param key: Specify which linear combination timegrids to load. All are independent.
:type key: Tuple of valid identifier strings that are ``ceoffs`` and ``packets``.
Default is ``("coeffs", "packets")``.
tg = []
for item in key:
if item == "coeffs":
pathtg = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/timegrid_lc_coefficients"
elif item == "packets":
pathtg = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/timegrid_lc_packets"
if len(tg) == 1:
return tg[0]
return tuple(tg)
[docs]def load_lincombhawp_size(self, timestep=None, blockid=0):
r"""Load the size (number of packets) of this linear combination.
:param timestep: Load only the data of this timestep.
:param blockid: The ID of the data block to operate on.
pathtg = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/timegrid_lc_coefficients"
pathlcs = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/lincomb_size"
if timestep is not None:
index = self.find_timestep_index(pathtg, timestep)
return self._srf[pathlcs][index]
index = slice(None)
return self._srf[pathlcs][index]
[docs]def load_lincombhawp_coefficients(self, timestep=None, blockid=0):
r"""Load the coefficients of this linear combination.
:param timestep: Load only the data of this timestep.
:param blockid: The ID of the data block to operate on.
pathtg = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/timegrid_lc_coefficients"
pathlcs = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/lincomb_size"
pathd = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/lc_coefficients"
if timestep is not None:
index = self.find_timestep_index(pathtg, timestep)
J = self._srf[pathlcs][index]
return self._srf[pathd][index, :J]
index = slice(None)
return self._srf[pathd][index, :]
[docs]def load_lincombhawp_wavepacket_parameters(self, timestep=None, blockid=0, key=("q", "p", "Q", "P", "S")):
r"""Load the wavepacket parameters.
:param timestep: Load only the data of this timestep.
:param blockid: The ID of the data block to operate on.
:param key: Specify which parameters to load. All are independent.
:type key: Tuple of valid identifier strings that are ``q``, ``p``, ``Q``, ``P``, ``S`` and ``adQ``.
Default is ``("q", "p", "Q", "P", "S")``.
pathtg = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/timegrid_wp_parameters"
pathlcs = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/lincomb_size"
pathd = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/Pi/"
if timestep is not None:
index = self.find_timestep_index(pathtg, timestep)
J = self._srf[pathlcs][index]
params = tuple([self._srf[pathd + k][index, :J, ...] for k in key])
params = tuple([self._srf[pathd + k][:, :, ...] for k in key])
return params
[docs]def load_lincombhawp_wavepacket_coefficients(self, timestep=None, get_hashes=False, blockid=0):
r"""Load the wavepacket coefficients.
:param timestep: Load only the data of this timestep.
:param get_hashes: Return the corresponding basis shape hashes.
:param blockid: The ID of the data block to operate on.
pathtg = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/timegrid_wp_coefficients"
pathlcs = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/lincomb_size"
pathbsh = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/basis_shapes_hashes"
pathbsi = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/basis_sizes"
pathd = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/wp_coefficients/"
# TODO: Allow wavepackets with multiple components
i = 0
if timestep is not None:
index = self.find_timestep_index(pathtg, timestep)
Js = slice(0, self._srf[pathlcs][index])
Ks = slice(0, np.max(self._srf[pathbsi][index, :, 0]))
index = slice(None)
Js = slice(None)
Ks = slice(None)
# Load the hash data
if get_hashes is True:
hashes = self._srf[pathbsh][index, Js]
# Load the coefficient data
data = self._srf[pathd + "c_" + str(i)][index, Js, Ks]
if get_hashes is True:
return (hashes, data)
return data
[docs]def load_lincombhawp_wavepacket_basisshapes(self, the_hash=None, blockid=0):
r"""Load the basis shapes by hash.
:param the_hash: The hash of the basis shape whose description we want to load.
:param blockid: The ID of the data block to operate on.
pathd = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/lincombhawp/basisshapes/"
if the_hash is None:
# Load and return all descriptions available
descrs = {}
for ahash in self._srf[pathd].keys():
# TODO: What data exactly do we want to return?
descr = {}
for key, value in self._srf[pathd + ahash].attrs.items():
descr[key] = self._load_attr_value(value)
# 'ahash' is "basis_shape_..." and we want only the "..." part
descrs[int(ahash[12:])] = descr
return descrs
the_hash = int(the_hash)
name = "basis_shape_" + str(the_hash)
# Chech if we already stored this basis shape
if name in self._srf[pathd].keys():
# TODO: What data exactly do we want to return?
descr = {}
for key, value in self._srf[pathd + name].attrs.items():
descr[key] = self._load_attr_value(value)
return descr
raise IndexError("No basis shape with given hash {}".format(hash))
# The following two methods are only for convenience and are NOT particularly efficient.
[docs]def load_lincombhawp(self, timestep, blockid=0, key=("q", "p", "Q", "P", "S")):
r"""Load a linear combination at a given timestep and return a fully configured
:py:class:`LinearCombinationOfHAWPs` instance. This method just calls some other
:py:class:`IOManager` methods in the correct order. It is included only for
convenience and is not particularly efficient.
:param timestep: The timestep :math:`n` we load the wavepacket.
:param blockid: The ID of the data block to operate on.
:return: A :py:class:`LinearCombinationOfHAWPs` instance.
from WaveBlocksND.LinearCombinationOfHAWPs import LinearCombinationOfHAWPs
from WaveBlocksND.BlockFactory import BlockFactory
BF = BlockFactory()
descr = self.load_lincombhawp_description(blockid=blockid)
# Empty linear combination
J = self.load_lincombhawp_size(timestep=timestep, blockid=blockid)
if J == 0:
return None
# A new and empty linear combination
LC = LinearCombinationOfHAWPs(descr["dimension"], descr["ncomponents"], descr["eps"], number_packets=J)
# Basis shapes
K_descrs = self.load_lincombhawp_wavepacket_basisshapes(blockid=blockid)
K = {ha: BF.create_basis_shape(de) for ha, de in K_descrs.items()}
# Coefficients and basis shape hashes
hashes, coeffs = self.load_lincombhawp_wavepacket_coefficients(timestep=timestep, get_hashes=True, blockid=blockid)
Ks = [K[ha] for ha in np.squeeze(hashes)]
LC.set_wavepacket_coefficients(coeffs, Ks)
# Parameters
Pi = self.load_lincombhawp_wavepacket_parameters(timestep=timestep, blockid=blockid, key=key)
# Cj
Cj = self.load_lincombhawp_coefficients(timestep=timestep, blockid=blockid)
return LC
[docs]def save_lincombhawp(self, lincomb, timestep, blockid=0):
r"""Save a linear combination of Hagedorn wavepackets at a given timestep and read
all data to save from the :py:class:`LinearCombinationOfHAWPs` instance provided. This
method just calls some other :py:class:`IOManager` methods in the correct order.
It is included only for convenience and is not particularly efficient. We assume
the linear combination is already set up with the correct :py:meth:`add_lincombhawp`
method call.
:param lincomb: The :py:class:`LinearCombinationOfHAWPs` instance we want to save.
:param timestep: The timestep :math:`n` at which we save the linear combination.
:param blockid: The ID of the data block to operate on.
# Description
self.save_lincombhawp_description(lincomb.get_description(), blockid=blockid)
# Wavepackets
Ks = lincomb.get_basis_shapes()
self.save_lincombhawp_wavepacket_basisshapes(Ks, blockid=blockid)
Pi = lincomb.get_wavepacket_parameters()
self.save_lincombhawp_wavepacket_parameters(Pi, timestep=timestep, blockid=blockid)
Ck = lincomb.get_wavepacket_coefficients()
self.save_lincombhawp_wavepacket_coefficients(Ck, Ks, timestep=timestep, blockid=blockid)
# Coefficients
Cj = lincomb.get_coefficients()
self.save_lincombhawp_coefficients(Cj, timestep=timestep, blockid=blockid)