Source code for IOM_plugin_wavefunction
"""The WaveBlocks Project
IOM plugin providing functions for handling wavefunction data.
@author: R. Bourquin
@copyright: Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 R. Bourquin
@license: Modified BSD License
import numpy as np
[docs]def add_wavefunction(self, parameters, flat=False, timeslots=None, blockid=0):
r"""Add storage for sampled wavefunctions. The wavefunction is
saved in full hypercubic array shape with :math:`D` dimensions and
:math:`N_d` data points in each direction.
:param parameters: A :py:class:`ParameterProvider` instance containing
at least the keys `number_nodes` and `ncomponents`.
:param flat: A flag indicating if we store wavefunctions :math:`\Psi(\Gamma)`
in a hypercubic shape :math:`(N_1, ..., N_D)` or
in a flat shape :math:`(D, |\Gamma|)` with :math:`|\Gamma| = \prod_i^D N_i`.
:type flat: Boolean, default is ``False``.
:param timeslots: The number of time slots we need. Can be set to ``None``
to get automatically growing datasets.
:param blockid: The ID of the data block to operate on.
grp_wf = self._srf[self._prefixb + str(blockid)].require_group("wavefunction")
# TODO: Remove quick hack:
if flat:
datashape = [parameters["ncomponents"],["number_nodes"])]
datashape = [parameters["ncomponents"]] + list(parameters["number_nodes"])
if timeslots is None:
T = 0
Ts = None
T = timeslots
Ts = timeslots
# TODO: Improve chunking
daset_psi_tg = grp_wf.create_dataset("timegrid", [T], dtype=np.integer, chunks=True, maxshape=[Ts], fillvalue=-1)
grp_wf.create_dataset("Psi", [T] + datashape, dtype=np.complexfloating, chunks=True, maxshape=[Ts] + datashape)
daset_psi_tg.attrs["pointer"] = 0
[docs]def delete_wavefunction(self, blockid=0):
r"""Remove the stored wavefunction.
:param blockid: The ID of the data block to operate on.
del self._srf[self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/wavefunction"]
except KeyError:
[docs]def has_wavefunction(self, blockid=0):
r"""Ask if the specified data block has the desired data tensor.
:param blockid: The ID of the data block to operate on.
return "wavefunction" in self._srf[self._prefixb + str(blockid)].keys()
[docs]def save_wavefunction(self, wavefunctionvalues, timestep=None, blockid=0):
r"""Save the values :math:`\psi_i` of a :py:class:`WaveFunction` instance.
:param wavefunctionvalues: A list of the values to save.
:type wavefunctionvalues: A list of ndarrays.
:param timestep: The timestep at which we save the data.
:param blockid: The ID of the data block to operate on.
# TODO: take wavefunction or wavefunction.get_values() as input?
pathtg = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/wavefunction/timegrid"
pathd = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/wavefunction/Psi"
timeslot = self._srf[pathtg].attrs["pointer"]
# Store the values given
self.must_resize(pathd, timeslot)
for index, item in enumerate(wavefunctionvalues):
self._srf[pathd][timeslot, index, ...] = item
# Write the timestep to which the stored values belong into the timegrid
self.must_resize(pathtg, timeslot)
self._srf[pathtg][timeslot] = timestep
# Update the pointer
self._srf[pathtg].attrs["pointer"] += 1
[docs]def load_wavefunction_timegrid(self, blockid=0):
r"""Load the wavefunction timegrid.
:param blockid: The ID of the data block to operate on.
pathtg = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/wavefunction/timegrid"
return self._srf[pathtg][...]
[docs]def load_wavefunction(self, timestep=None, blockid=0):
r"""Load the wavefunction values.
:param timestep: Load only the data of this timestep.
:param blockid: The ID of the data block to operate on.
pathtg = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/wavefunction/timegrid"
pathd = "/" + self._prefixb + str(blockid) + "/wavefunction/Psi"
if timestep is not None:
index = self.find_timestep_index(pathtg, timestep)
return self._srf[pathd][index, ...]
return self._srf[pathd][...]