r"""The WaveBlocks Project
This file contains a class for representing
dense regular tensor product grids.
@author: R. Bourquin
@copyright: Copyright (C) 2012, 2014 R. Bourquin
@license: Modified BSD License
import operator
from numpy import array, atleast_1d, complexfloating, diff, floating, hstack, mgrid, ogrid, squeeze
from WaveBlocksND.DenseGrid import DenseGrid
from functools import reduce
__all__ = ["TensorProductGrid"]
[docs]class TensorProductGrid(DenseGrid):
r"""This class represents a dense tensor product grid. It can
have an arbitrary dimension :math:`D`. The grid nodes are
enclosed in a hypercubic bounding box. This box can have
different limits :math:`min_i`, :math:`max_i` along each
axis :math:`x_i`. In each of these intervals we place
:math:`N_i` grid nodes. Note that the point :math:`max_i`
is not part of the grid. The grid interior is build as the
tensor product of all the grid nodes along all the axes.
def __init__(self, limits, number_nodes):
r"""Construct a tensor product grid instance.
:param limits: The grid domain limits along each axis.
:type limits: A list of two-element tuples.
:param number_nodes: The number of grid nodes along each axis.
:type number_nodes: A list of positive integers.
:return: A :py:class:`TensorProductGrid` instance.
assert len(limits) == len(number_nodes)
# Regular grid spacing
self._is_regular = True
# The dimension of the grid
self._dimension = len(limits)
# The number of grid nodes along each axis
self._number_nodes = number_nodes
# format: [N_1, ..., N_D]
# The limits of the bounding box of the grid
self._limits = [array(limit) for limit in limits]
# format: [(min_0,max_0), ..., (min_D,max_D)]
# The extensions (edge length) of the bounding box
self._extensions = hstack([abs(diff(limit)) for limit in self._limits])
# Compute the grid spacings along each axis
self._meshwidths = self._extensions / squeeze(array(self._number_nodes, dtype=floating))
# format: [h_1, ..., h_D]
# Cached values
self._gridaxes = None
self._gridnodes = None
[docs] def get_limits(self, axes=None):
r"""Returns the limits of the bounding box.
:param axes: The axes for which we want to get the limits.
:type axes: A single integer or a list of integers. If set
to ``None`` (default) we return the limits for all axes.
:return: A list of :math:`(min_i, max_i)` ndarrays.
if axes is None:
axes = range(self._dimension)
return [self._limits[i] for i in atleast_1d(axes)]
[docs] def get_extensions(self, axes=None):
r"""Returns the extensions (length of the edges) of the bounding box.
:param axes: The axes for which we want to get the extensions.
:type axes: A single integer or a list of integers. If set
to ``None`` (default) we return the extensions for all axes.
:return: A list of :math:`|max_i-min_i|` values.
if axes is None:
axes = range(self._dimension)
return [self._extensions[i] for i in atleast_1d(axes)]
[docs] def get_meshwidths(self, axes=None):
r"""Returns the meshwidths of the grid.
:param axes: The axes for which we want to get the meshwidths.
:type axes: A single integer or a list of integers. If set
to ``None`` (default) we return the data for all axes.
:return: A list of :math:`h_i` values or a single value.
if axes is None:
axes = range(self._dimension)
return [self._meshwidths[i] for i in atleast_1d(axes)]
[docs] def get_number_nodes(self, axes=None, overall=False):
r"""Returns the number of grid nodes along a set of axes.
:param axes: The axes for which we want to get the number of nodes.
:type axes: A single integer or a list of integers. If set
to ``None`` (default) we return the data for all axes.
:param overall: Compute the product :math:`\prod_i^D N_i` of the
number :math:`N_i` of grid nodes along each axis
:math:`i` specified.
:type overall: Boolean, default is ``False``
:return: A list of :math:`N_i` values or a single value :math:`N`.
if axes is None:
axes = range(self._dimension)
values = [self._number_nodes[i] for i in atleast_1d(axes)]
if overall is True:
return reduce(operator.mul, values)
return values
def _build_slicers(self):
# Helper routine to build the necessary slicing
# objects used for constructing the grid nodes.
slicers = [slice(lims[0], lims[1], step) for lims, step in zip(self._limits, self._meshwidths)]
return slicers
def _compute_grid_axes(self):
# Helper routine which computes the one-dimensional
# grids along all axes and caches the result. Each
# grid is a D-dimensional ndarray of correct shape.
S = self._build_slicers()
self._gridaxes = [array(ax, dtype=complexfloating) for ax in ogrid[S]]
def _compute_grid_full(self):
# Helper routine which computes the full set of
# tensor product grid nodes and caches the result.
# The result is a (D, product(N_i)) shaped ndarray.
S = self._build_slicers()
# TODO: Code is 4x slower withOUT complex floating
grid = array(mgrid[S], dtype=complexfloating)
self._gridnodes = grid.reshape((self._dimension, self.get_number_nodes(overall=True)))
[docs] def get_axes(self, axes=None):
r"""Returns the one-dimensional grids along the axes.
:param axes: The axes for which we want to get the grid.
:type axes: A single integer or a list of integers. If set
to ``None`` (default) we return the data for all axes.
:return: A list of ndarrays, each having a shape of :math:`(1,...,N_i,...,1)`.
We return a list even if it contains just a single element.
if self._gridaxes is None:
if axes is None:
axes = range(self._dimension)
axes = atleast_1d(axes)
return [self._gridaxes[i] for i in axes]
[docs] def get_nodes(self, flat=True, split=False):
r"""Returns all grid nodes of the full tensor product grid.
:param flat: Whether to return the grid with a `hypercubic`
:math:`(D, N_1, ..., N_D)` shape or a `flat`
:math:`(D, \prod_i^D N_i)` shape.
:type flat: Boolean, default is ``True``.
:param split: Whether to return the different components, one for each
dimension inside a single ndarray or a list with ndarrays,
with one item per dimension.
:type split: Boolean, default is ``False``.
:return: Depends of the optional arguments.
if self._gridnodes is None:
# All operations here only return views to the original grid data
if flat is True:
if split is False:
return self._gridnodes
return tuple([self._gridnodes[i, :] for i in range(self._dimension)])
if split is False:
return self._gridnodes.reshape([self._dimension] + self.get_number_nodes())
return tuple([self._gridnodes[i, :].reshape(self.get_number_nodes()) for i in range(self._dimension)])