Computing EigenstatesΒΆ
In this section we show how to compute eigenstates on the
example of the Henon-Heiles potential. This two-dimensional
potential in the variables and
is given by:
where we set and
. To compute the
eigenstates we write a configuration file
dimension = 2
ncomponents = 1
potential = "henon_heiles"
eigenstate_of_level = 0
eigenstates_indices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
starting_point = [0.5, 0.5]
eps = 0.25
hawp_template = {
"type": "HagedornWavepacket",
"dimension": dimension,
"ncomponents": 1,
"eps": eps,
"basis_shapes": [{
"type": "HyperbolicCutShape",
"K": 24,
"dimension": dimension
innerproduct = {
"type": "HomogeneousInnerProduct",
"delegate": {
"type": "DirectHomogeneousQuadrature",
'qr': {
'type': 'TensorProductQR',
'dimension': dimension,
'qr_rules': [{'dimension': 1, 'order': 32, 'type': 'GaussHermiteQR'},
{'dimension': 1, 'order': 32, 'type': 'GaussHermiteQR'}]
We compute the first 15 eigenstates up to
The parameter
sets the starting value for the minimization
of the potential surface. This value is choosen such to stay in the local minimum
we are interested in. The basis consists of the space spanned by all wavepackets
indexed in the hyperbolic cut having sparsity . The actual computation
is done by using the script
and will print some output:
Using configuration from file:
Requested function: add_parameters
Plugin to load: IOM_plugin_parameters
Optimization terminated successfully.
Current function value: 0.000000
Iterations: 98
Function evaluations: 189
Parameter values are:
[[ 2.24608505e-13]
[ 3.33457394e-13]]
[[ 0.]
[ 0.]]
[[ 1.00000000e+00+0.j -5.62327962e-14-0.j]
[ -5.62883073e-14+0.j 1.00000000e+00+0.j]]
[[ 0. +1.00000000e+00j 0. +5.62327962e-14j]
[ 0. +5.62883073e-14j 0. +1.00000000e+00j]]
Consistency check:
P^T Q - Q^T P =?= 0
[[ 0. +0.00000000e+00j 0. +1.11022302e-16j]
[ 0. -1.11022302e-16j 0. +0.00000000e+00j]]
Q^H P - P^H Q =?= 2i
[[ 0. +2.00000000e+00j 0. +1.26217745e-29j]
[ 0. +1.26217745e-29j 0. +2.00000000e+00j]]
Warning: no inner product specified!
State: 0
Energy: 0.0623898880123
[ 9.99697146e-01+0.j 7.06667357e-09+0.j 1.88119658e-03+0.j
1.22024364e-02+0.j 8.31557109e-04+0.j 1.61933847e-04+0.j
3.51763774e-04+0.j 6.28914248e-05+0.j 1.48819058e-05+0.j
1.53830363e-05+0.j 4.64872426e-06+0.j 1.40044195e-06+0.j
9.48658758e-07+0.j 3.83630231e-07+0.j 1.42241989e-07+0.j
7.84302527e-08+0.j 3.66375058e-08+0.j 1.58225631e-08+0.j
and produce an eigenstates.hdf5 file containing all the wavepackets computed. Next we compute norms and energies of these states by: -d eigenstates.hdf5 -d eigenstates.hdf5
We could also evaluate and plot the packets or call any other post-processing script. But we like to do some custom computations and therefore switch to an interactive Python session now:
BF = BlockFactory()
IOM = IOManager()
PA = IOM.load_parameters()
V = BF.create_potential(PA)
Load the wavepackets:
packets = [IOM.load_wavepacket(0, blockid=i) for i in xrange(15)]
Set up a grid for evaluation:
x = linspace(-2, 2, 500)
y = linspace(-2, 2, 500)
X, Y = meshgrid(x, y)
M = row_stack([X.reshape(1,-1), Y.reshape(1,-1)])
and evaluate potential as well as eigenstates on this grid:
v = V.evaluate_at(M, entry=(0,0)).reshape(500,500).T
psis = [hawp.evaluate_at(M, prefactor=True, component=0).reshape(500,500) for hawp in packets]
Plot the eigenstates together with the potential contour lines:
for i, psi in enumerate(psis):
subplot(5, 3, i+1)
plotcf2d(x, y, psi, darken=0.1)
contour(x, y, v, linspace(0.05, 1.5, 10), colors="gray")
title(r"$\psi_{%d}$" % i)
We check that the eigenstates are properly normalized:
N = [IOM.load_norm(blockid=i) for i in xrange(15)]
[array([[ 1.]]),
array([[ 1.]]),
array([[ 1.]]),
array([[ 1.]]),
array([[ 1.]]),
array([[ 1.]]),
array([[ 1.]]),
array([[ 1.]]),
array([[ 1.]]),
array([[ 1.]]),
array([[ 1.]]),
array([[ 1.]]),
array([[ 1.]]),
array([[ 1.]]),
array([[ 1.]])]
Finally, look at the energies of these states:
E = squeeze(array([IOM.load_energy(blockid=i) for i in xrange(15)]))
array([[ 0.03113906, 0.03125083],
[ 0.06171018, 0.06251042],
[ 0.06171017, 0.06251044],
[ 0.09028264, 0.09378443],
[ 0.09254484, 0.09379187],
[ 0.09254101, 0.0937974 ],
[ 0.11912411, 0.12505747],
[ 0.11914656, 0.12503636],
[ 0.12341898, 0.12514402],
[ 0.12387966, 0.12501247],
[ 0.14693627, 0.15548814],
[ 0.14879932, 0.15576321],
[ 0.14824844, 0.15631414],
[ 0.15502718, 0.156359 ],
[ 0.15527243, 0.15615653]])
and then plot the energy levels:
plot(arange(15), E[:,0], "-o", label=r"kinetic")
plot(arange(15), E[:,1], "-o", label=r"potential")
legend(loc="lower right")
We can also easily compute the total energy:
Etot = sum(E, axis=1)
array([ 0.06238989, 0.12422061, 0.12422061, 0.18406707, 0.18633672,
0.18633841, 0.24418158, 0.24418292, 0.248563 , 0.24889214,
0.3024244 , 0.30456252, 0.30456258, 0.31138619, 0.31142895])
and again plot the energy levels based on these data:
plot(arange(15), Etot, "-o", label=r"total")
legend(loc="lower right")