
About the BasisTransformationWF class

The WaveBlocks Project

@author: R. Bourquin @copyright: Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 R. Bourquin @license: Modified BSD License

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of BasisTransformationWF

Class documentation

class WaveBlocksND.BasisTransformationWF(potential, grid=None)[source]

This class implements basis transformations of wavefunctions \psi(x) between the canonical basis of and the basis \Lambda(x) spanned by the eigenvectors \nu_i(x) of the potential V(x).

__init__(potential, grid=None)[source]

Create a new BasisTransformation instance for a given potential matrix V(x).

  • potential (A MatrixPotential instance.) – The potential underlying the basis transformation.
  • grid (A Grid subclass instance.) – The grid.

Set the grid \Gamma containing the nodes \gamma on which the wavefunction \psi was evaluated. The N eigenvectors \nu_i will be evaluated on the same grid nodes.

Parameters:grid (A Grid subclass instance.) – The grid

Transform the evaluated wavefunction \psi(\Gamma) given in the eigenbasis to the canonical basis.

Parameters:wavefunction (A WaveFunction instance.) – The wavefunction to transform.
Returns:Another WaveFunction instance containing the transformed wavefunction \psi^\prime(\Gamma).

Transform the evaluated wavefunction \psi^\prime(\Gamma) given in the canonical basis to the eigenbasis.

Parameters:wavefunction (A WaveFunction instance.) – The wavefunction to transform.
Returns:Another WaveFunction instance containing the transformed wavefunction \psi(\Gamma).