Source code for WaveBlocksND.BasisTransformationHAWP

r"""The WaveBlocks Project

This file contains the class for basis transformations of Hagedorn wavepackets
between the canonical basis and the basis spanned by the eigenvectors
of the potential.

@author: R. Bourquin
@copyright: Copyright (C) 2012 R. Bourquin
@license: Modified BSD License

from __future__ import absolute_import

from numpy import dot, transpose, conjugate, vsplit

from WaveBlocksND.BasisTransformation import BasisTransformation

__all__ = ["BasisTransformationHAWP"]

[docs]class BasisTransformationHAWP(BasisTransformation): r"""This class implements basis transformations of Hagedorn wavepackets :math:`\Psi(x)` between the canonical basis of and the basis :math:`\Lambda(x)` spanned by the eigenvectors :math:`\nu_i(x)` of the potential :math:`V(x)`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, potential, builder=None): r"""Create a new :py:class:`BasisTransformationHAWP` instance for a given potential matrix :math:`V(x)`. :param potential: The potential underlying the basis transformation. :type potential: A :py:class:`MatrixPotential` instance. :param builder: An object that can compute this matrix. :type builder: A :py:class:`Quadrature` subclass instance. """ # Keep a reference to the potential self._potential = potential # Precompute eigenvectors is case it is necessary self._potential.calculate_eigenvectors() if builder is not None: self.set_matrix_builder(builder)
[docs] def set_matrix_builder(self, builder): r"""Set the matrix builder. It is responsible for computing the matrix elements :math:`\langle\phi_i|V_{i,j}|\phi_j\rangle`. This matrix is used during the basis transformation. :param builder: An object that can compute this matrix. :type builder: A :py:class:`Quadrature` subclass instance. """ # Keep a reference to the matrix builder self._builder = builder
[docs] def transform_to_canonical(self, wavepacket): r"""Transform the wavepacket :math:`\Psi` given in the eigenbasis to the canonical basis. Note that this method acts destructively on the given :py:class:`Wavepacket` instance. If this is not desired, clone the packet before handing it over to this method. :param wavepacket: The Hagedorn wavepacket to transform. :type wavepacket: A :py:class:`Wavepacket` subclass instance. :return: Another :py:class:`Wavepacket` instance containing the transformed wavepacket :math:`\Psi^\prime`. """ # No transformation for potentials with a single energy level. # The canonical and eigenbasis are identical here. if self._potential.get_number_components() == 1: return # Basically an ugly hack to overcome some shortcomings of the # matrix function and of the data layout. # TODO: Fix and remove class F(): def __init__(self, potential): self._potential = potential self._N = self._potential.get_number_components() self._values = None def __call__(self, x, dummy, entry): # x is given as (D,|QR|) array if self._values is None: z = self._potential.evaluate_eigenvectors_at(x) # returned is a N list of (N,|QR|) arrays # we need a N**2 list of (|QR|,) arrays result = [] for nu in z: result.extend(vsplit(nu, self._N)) self._values = tuple(result) return self._values[entry[0] * self._N + entry[1]] f = F(self._potential) # And now compute the transformation F = transpose(conjugate(self._builder.build_matrix(wavepacket, operator=f))) c = wavepacket.get_coefficient_vector() d = dot(F, c) wavepacket.set_coefficient_vector(d) return wavepacket
[docs] def transform_to_eigen(self, wavepacket): r"""Transform the wavepacket :math:`\Psi^\prime` given in the canonical basis to the eigenbasis. Note that this method acts destructively on the given :py:class:`Wavepacket` instance. If this is not desired, clone the packet before handing it over to this method. :param wavepacket: The Hagedorn wavepacket to transform. :type wavepacket: A :py:class:`Wavepacket` subclass instance. :return: Another :py:class:`Wavepacket` instance containing the transformed wavepacket :math:`\Psi`. """ # No transformation for potentials with a single energy level. # The canonical and eigenbasis are identical here. if self._potential.get_number_components() == 1: return # Basically an ugly hack to overcome some shortcomings of the # matrix function and of the data layout. # TODO: Fix and remove class F(): def __init__(self, potential): self._potential = potential self._N = self._potential.get_number_components() self._values = None def __call__(self, x, dummy, entry): # x is given as (D,|QR|) array if self._values is None: z = self._potential.evaluate_eigenvectors_at(x) # returned is a N list of (N,|QR|) arrays # we need a N**2 list of (|QR|,) arrays result = [] for nu in z: result.extend(vsplit(nu, self._N)) self._values = tuple(result) return self._values[entry[0] * self._N + entry[1]] f = F(self._potential) # And now compute the transformation F = self._builder.build_matrix(wavepacket, operator=f) c = wavepacket.get_coefficient_vector() d = dot(F, c) wavepacket.set_coefficient_vector(d) return wavepacket