Source code for WaveBlocksND.ChinChenPropagator

r"""The WaveBlocks Project

This file contains the ChinChen propagator class. The wavefunction
:math:`\Psi` is propagated in time with a chin-chen splitting of the
exponential :math:`\exp(-\frac{i}{\varepsilon^2} \tau H)`.

@author: R. Bourquin
@copyright: Copyright (C) 2014, 2016 R. Bourquin
@license: Modified BSD License

from numpy import zeros, complexfloating, ndarray, vstack
from numpy.fft import fftn, ifftn
from numpy.linalg import norm
from scipy.linalg import expm

from WaveBlocksND.Propagator import Propagator
from WaveBlocksND.KineticOperator import KineticOperator

__all__ = ["ChinChenPropagator"]

[docs]class ChinChenPropagator(Propagator): r"""This class can numerically propagate given initial values :math:`\Psi(x_0, t_0)` on a potential hyper surface :math:`V(x)`. The propagation is done with a Chin-Chen [1]_ splitting of the time propagation operator :math:`\exp(-\frac{i}{\varepsilon^2} \tau H)`. .. note:: This propagator is implemented for single-level potentials (:py:class:`MatrixPotential1S`) only. More precisely, the other potential implementations do not provide some functionality needed here. .. [1] S. A. Chin and C. R. Chen, "Fourth order gradient symplectic integrator methods for solving the time-dependent Schroedinger equation", J. Chem. Phys. Volume 114, Issue 17, (2001) 7338-7341. """
[docs] def __init__(self, parameters, potential, initial_values): r"""Initialize a new :py:class:`ChinChenPropagator` instance. Precalculate the the kinetic operator :math:`T_e` and the potential operators :math:`V_e` and :math:`\tilde{V}_e` used for time propagation. :param parameters: The set of simulation parameters. It must contain at least the semi-classical parameter :math:`\varepsilon` and the time step size :math:`\tau`. :param potential: The potential :math:`V(x)` governing the time evolution. :type potential: A :py:class:`MatrixPotential` instance. :param initial_values: The initial values :math:`\Psi(\Gamma, t_0)` given in the canonical basis. :type initial_values: A :py:class:`WaveFunction` instance. :raise: :py:class:`ValueError` If the number of components of :math:`\Psi` does not match the number of energy surfaces :math:`\lambda_i(x)` of the potential. """ # The embedded 'MatrixPotential' instance representing the potential 'V'. self._potential = potential # The initial values of the components '\psi_i' sampled at the given grid. self._psi = initial_values if self._potential.get_number_components() != self._psi.get_number_components(): raise ValueError("Potential dimension and number of components do not match.") # The position space grid nodes '\Gamma'. self._grid = initial_values.get_grid() # The kinetic operator 'T' defined in momentum space. self._KO = KineticOperator(self._grid, parameters["eps"]) # Exponential '\exp(-i/4*eps^2*dt*T)' used in the Chin-Chen splitting. self._KO.calculate_exponential(-0.25j * parameters["dt"] * parameters["eps"]**2) self._TE = self._KO.evaluate_exponential_at() # Exponential '\exp(-i/(6*eps^2)*dt*V)' used in the Chin-Chen splitting. self._potential.calculate_exponential(-1.0j / 6.0 * parameters["dt"] / parameters["eps"]**2) VE = self._potential.evaluate_exponential_at(self._grid) self._VE = tuple([ve.reshape(self._grid.get_number_nodes()) for ve in VE]) # Operator V-tilde N = self._potential.get_number_components() n = self._grid.get_number_nodes(overall=True) # Memory for storing temporary values tmp = ndarray((n, N, N), dtype=complexfloating) # Evaluate potential and gradient self._potential.calculate_jacobian_canonical() Vx = self._potential.evaluate_at(self._grid) Jx = self._potential.evaluate_jacobian_canonical_at(self._grid) Jx = norm(vstack(Jx), axis=0).reshape(1, n) # Exponential '\exp(-2i/(3*eps^2)*dt * (V + 1/48*dt^2*JV))' used in the Chin-Chen splitting. # Fill in values for row in range(N): for col in range(N): tmp[:, row, col] = (-2.0j / (3.0 * parameters["eps"]**2) * (parameters["dt"] * Vx[N * row + col] + parameters["dt"]**3 / 48.0 * Jx[N * row + col]**2)) # Calculate exponential for i in range(n): tmp[i, :, :] = expm(tmp[i, :, :]) # Split the data into different components self._VEtilde = tuple([tmp[:, row, col].reshape((1, n)) for row in range(N) for col in range(N)])
# TODO: Consider removing this, duplicate
[docs] def get_number_components(self): r"""Get the number :math:`N` of components of :math:`\Psi`. :return: The number :math:`N`. """ return self._potential.get_number_components()
[docs] def get_wavefunction(self): r"""Get the wavefunction that stores the current data :math:`\Psi(\Gamma)`. :return: The :py:class:`WaveFunction` instance. """ return self._psi
[docs] def get_operators(self): r"""Get the kinetic and potential operators :math:`T(\Omega)` and :math:`V(\Gamma)`. :return: A tuple :math:`(T, V)` containing two ``ndarrays``. """ # TODO: What kind of object exactly do we want to return? self._KO.calculate_operator() T = self._KO.evaluate_at() V = self._potential.evaluate_at(self._grid) V = tuple([v.reshape(self._grid.get_number_nodes()) for v in V]) return (T, V)
[docs] def propagate(self): r"""Given the wavefunction values :math:`\Psi(\Gamma)` at time :math:`t`, calculate new values :math:`\Psi^\prime(\Gamma)` at time :math:`t + \tau`. We perform exactly one single timestep of size :math:`\tau` within this function. """ # How many components does Psi have N = self._psi.get_number_components() # Unpack the values from the current WaveFunction values = self._psi.get_values() # First step with the potential tmp = [zeros(value.shape, dtype=complexfloating) for value in values] for row in range(0, N): for col in range(0, N): tmp[row] = tmp[row] + self._VE[row * N + col] * values[col] # Go to Fourier space tmp = [fftn(component) for component in tmp] # First step with the kinetic operator tmp = [self._TE * component for component in tmp] # Go back to real space tmp = [ifftn(component) for component in tmp] # Central step with V-tilde tmp2 = [zeros(value.shape, dtype=complexfloating) for value in values] for row in range(0, N): for col in range(0, N): tmp2[row] = tmp2[row] + self._VEtilde[row * N + col] * tmp[col] # Go to Fourier space tmp = [fftn(component) for component in tmp2] # Second step with the kinetic operator tmp = [self._TE * component for component in tmp] # Go back to real space tmp = [ifftn(component) for component in tmp] # Second step with the potential values = [zeros(component.shape, dtype=complexfloating) for component in tmp] for row in range(0, N): for col in range(0, N): values[row] = values[row] + self._VE[row * N + col] * tmp[col] # Pack values back to WaveFunction object # TODO: Consider squeeze(.) of data before repacking self._psi.set_values(values)