Source code for WaveBlocksND.GradientLCWP

"""The WaveBlocks Project

Compute the action of the gradient operator applied to
a linear combination of arbitrary wavepackets.

@author: R. Bourquin
@copyright: Copyright (C) 2014 R. Bourquin
@license: Modified BSD License

from WaveBlocksND.Gradient import Gradient
from WaveBlocksND.LinearCombinationOfWPs import LinearCombinationOfWPs

__all__ = ["GradientLCWP"]

[docs]class GradientLCWP(Gradient): r"""This class implements the computation of the action of the gradient operator :math:`-i \varepsilon^2 \nabla_x` applied to a linear combination :math:`\Upsilon` of arbitrary wavepackets. """ def __init__(self): r""" """ pass
[docs] def apply_gradient(self, lincomb, component=None): r"""Compute the effect of the gradient operator :math:`-i \varepsilon^2 \nabla_x` applied to a linear combination :math:`\Upsilon` of arbitrary wavepackets. :param lincomb: The lincomb :math:`\Upsilon` containing the wavepackets :math:`\Psi_j`. :type lincomb: A :py:class:`LinearCombinationOfWPs` instance. :param component: The index :math:`i` of the component :math:`\Phi_i` of each :math:`\Psi_j`. :type component: Integer or ``None``. :return: A list of linear combinations of the gradients of all packets from the given linearcombination. There are :math:`D` linearcombinations :math:`\Upsilon_d`, one for each space variable component :math:`\partial_{x_d}` of the gradient. """ D = lincomb.get_dimension() N = lincomb.get_number_components() # TODO: Optimizing this. For large linear combinations, computing # and storing *all* gradient packets is inefficient. Maybe # better go packet by packet. gradients = [LinearCombinationOfWPs(D, N) for d in range(D)] coefficients = lincomb.get_coefficients() for i, packet in enumerate(lincomb.get_wavepackets()): G = packet.get_gradient_operator() gradient_wps = G.apply_gradient(packet, component=component) for d, grad_wp in enumerate(gradient_wps): gradients[d].add_wavepacket(grad_wp, coefficient=coefficients[i, 0]) return gradients