Source code for WaveBlocksND.HomogeneousInnerProduct

"""The WaveBlocks Project

This file contains code for the delegation of the evaluation of homogeneous (or mixing)
inner products of two wavepackets. The class defined here can compute brakets, inner products
and expectation values and the matrix elements of an arbitrary operator.

@author: R. Bourquin
@copyright: Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 R. Bourquin
@license: Modified BSD License

from numpy import zeros, complexfloating, sum, cumsum

from WaveBlocksND.InnerProduct import InnerProduct

__all__ = ["HomogeneousInnerProduct"]

[docs]class HomogeneousInnerProduct(InnerProduct): r""" """
[docs] def __init__(self, delegate=None): r""" This class computes the homogeneous inner product :math:`\langle\Psi|f|\Psi\rangle`. :param delegate: The delegate inner product. :type delegate: A :py:class:`Quadrature` subclass instance. """ # Pure convenience to allow setting of quadrature instance in constructor self.set_delegate(delegate)
def __str__(self): return "Homogeneous inner product computed by " + str(self._delegate)
[docs] def get_description(self): r"""Return a description of this inner product object. A description is a ``dict`` containing all key-value pairs necessary to reconstruct the current instance. A description never contains any data. """ d = {} d["type"] = "HomogeneousInnerProduct" d["delegate"] = self._delegate.get_description() return d
[docs] def quadrature(self, packet, operator=None, summed=False, component=None, diag_component=None, diagonal=False, eval_at_once=False): r"""Delegates the evaluation of :math:`\langle\Psi|f|\Psi\rangle` for a general function :math:`f(x)` with :math:`x \in \mathbb{R}^D`. :param packet: The wavepacket :math:`\Psi`. :param operator: A matrix-valued function :math:`f(x): \mathbb{R}^D \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{N \times N}`. :param summed: Whether to sum up the individual integrals :math:`\langle\Phi_i|f_{i,j}|\Phi_j\rangle`. :type summed: Boolean, default is ``False``. :param component: Request only the i-th component of the result. Remember that :math:`i \in [0, N^2-1]`. :param diag_component: Request only the i-th component from the diagonal entries, here :math:`i \in [0, N-1]`. Note that ``component`` takes precedence over ``diag_component`` if both are supplied. (Which is discouraged) :param diagonal: Only return the diagonal elements :math:`\langle\Phi_i|f_{i,i}|\Phi_i\rangle`. This is useful for diagonal operators :math:`f`. :param eval_at_once: Flag to tell whether the operator supports the ``entry=(r,c)`` call syntax. :type eval_at_once: Boolean, default is ``False``. :return: The value of the braket :math:`\langle\Psi|f|\Psi\rangle`. This is either a scalar value or a list of :math:`N^2` scalar elements depending on the value of ``summed``. """ # TODO: Consider adding 'is_diagonal' flag to make computations cheaper if we know the operator is diagonal self._delegate.initialize_packet(packet) self._delegate.initialize_operator(operator, eval_at_once=eval_at_once) N = packet.get_number_components() # Avoid unnecessary computations of other components if component is not None: rows = [component // N] cols = [component % N] elif diag_component is not None: rows = [diag_component] cols = [diag_component] else: rows = range(N) cols = range(N) self._delegate.prepare(rows, cols) # Compute the quadrature result = [] for row in rows: for col in cols: I = self._delegate.perform_quadrature(row, col) result.append(I) if summed is True: result = sum(result) elif component is not None or diag_component is not None: # Do not return a list for quadrature of specific single components result = result[0] elif diagonal is True: # Only keep the diagonal elements result = [result[i * N + i] for i in range(N)] return result
[docs] def build_matrix(self, packet, operator=None, eval_at_once=False): r"""Delegates the computation of the matrix elements :math:`\langle\Psi|f|\Psi\rangle` for a general function :math:`f(x)` with :math:`x \in \mathbb{R}^D`. The matrix is computed without including the coefficients :math:`c^i_k`. :param packet: The wavepacket :math:`\Psi`. :param operator: A matrix-valued function :math:`f(q, x): \mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R}^D \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{N \times N}`. :param eval_at_once: Flag to tell whether the operator supports the ``entry=(r,c)`` call syntax. :type eval_at_once: Boolean, default is ``False``. :return: A square matrix of size :math:`\sum_i^N |\mathfrak{K}_i| \times \sum_j^N |\mathfrak{K}_j|`. """ # TODO: Consider adding 'is_diagonal' flag to make computations cheaper if we know the operator is diagonal self._delegate.initialize_packet(packet) self._delegate.initialize_operator(operator, matrix=True, eval_at_once=eval_at_once) N = packet.get_number_components() K = [bs.get_basis_size() for bs in packet.get_basis_shapes()] # The partition scheme of the block vectors and block matrix partition = [0] + list(cumsum(K)) self._delegate.prepare(range(N), range(N)) # Compute the matrix elements result = zeros((sum(K), sum(K)), dtype=complexfloating) for row in range(N): for col in range(N): M = self._delegate.perform_build_matrix(row, col) # Put the result into the global storage result[partition[row]:partition[row + 1], partition[col]:partition[col + 1]] = M return result