Source code for WaveBlocksND.LinearCombinationOfHAWPs

"""The WaveBlocks Project

This file contains code to represent linear combinations of compatible
Hagedorn wavepackets in a more efficient and storage friendly way
than the general linear combination class.

@author: R. Bourquin
@copyright: Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 R. Bourquin
@license: Modified BSD License

from numpy import zeros, ones, eye, complexfloating, atleast_2d, concatenate, hstack, vstack, squeeze
from numpy import pi, dot, einsum, conjugate, delete
from scipy import exp, sqrt
from scipy.linalg import det, inv

from WaveBlocksND.LinearCombinationOfWavepackets import LinearCombinationOfWavepackets
from WaveBlocksND.HagedornWavepacket import HagedornWavepacket
from WaveBlocksND.AbstractGrid import AbstractGrid
from WaveBlocksND.GridWrapper import GridWrapper

__all__ = ["LinearCombinationOfHAWPs"]

[docs]class LinearCombinationOfHAWPs(LinearCombinationOfWavepackets): r"""This class represents linear combinations of compatible Hagedorn wavepackets. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dimension, number_components, eps, number_packets=0): r"""Initialize a new linear combination of Hagedorn wavepackets. This object represents :math:`\Upsilon := \sum_{j=0}^{J-1} c_j \Psi_j`. All :math:`J` wavepackets :math:`\Psi_j` have the same number :math:`N` components and are defined in the :math:`D` dimensional space. :param dimension: The space dimension :math:`D` the packets have. :param ncomponents: The number :math:`N` of components the packets have. :return: An instance of :py:class:`LinearCombinationOfHAWPs`. """ self._dimension = dimension self._number_components = number_components self._number_packets = number_packets # Epsilon self._eps = eps # Basis shapes self._basis_shapes_hashes = [] self._basis_shapes = {} # Coefficients of individual packets self._wp_coefficients = zeros((number_packets, 0), dtype=complexfloating) self._basis_sizes = [] # Default parameters of harmonic oscillator eigenstates q = zeros((self._number_packets, self._dimension), dtype=complexfloating) p = zeros((self._number_packets, self._dimension), dtype=complexfloating) Q = ones((self._number_packets, 1, 1)) * eye(self._dimension, dtype=complexfloating) P = 1.0j * ones((self._number_packets, 1, 1)) * eye(self._dimension, dtype=complexfloating) S = zeros((self._number_packets, 1), dtype=complexfloating) # Parameters self._Pis = [q, p, Q, P, S] # Coefficients of linear combination self._lc_coefficients = zeros((number_packets, 1), dtype=complexfloating) # TODO: Handle multi-component packets assert number_components == 1
[docs] def __str__(self): r""" :return: A string describing the linear combination of Hagedorn wavepackets :math:`\Upsilon = \sum_{j=0}^J c_j \Psi_j`. """ s = ("Linear combination of "+str(self._number_packets)+" Hagedorn wavepackets, each with "+str(self._number_components)+" component(s) in "+str(self._dimension)+" space dimension(s)\n") return s
[docs] def get_description(self): r"""Return a description of this linear combination object. A description is a ``dict`` containing all key-value pairs necessary to reconstruct the current instance. A description never contains any data. """ d = {} d["type"] = "LinearCombinationOfHAWPs" d["dimension"] = self._dimension d["ncomponents"] = self._number_components d["eps"] = self._eps return d
[docs] def add_wavepacket(self, packet, coefficient=1.0): r"""Add a new wavepacket to the linear combination. :param packet: The new Hagedorn wavepacket :math:`\Psi_j` to add. :type packet: A :py:class:`HagedornWavepacket` instance. :param coefficient: The corresponding coefficient :math:`c_j`, default is 1.0. """ if not packet.get_dimension() == self._dimension: raise ValueError("Number of dimensions does not match.") if not packet.get_number_components() == self._number_components: raise ValueError("Number of components does not match.") # Note: we do not test that the varepsilon parameter matches. self._number_packets = self._number_packets + 1 # Store the shape K = packet.get_basis_shapes(component=0) self._basis_shapes_hashes.append(hash(K)) self._basis_shapes[hash(K)] = K self._basis_sizes.append(K.get_basis_size()) # Store the coefficients bs = K.get_basis_size() # Resize storage if necessary curlen, cursize = self._wp_coefficients.shape diff = bs - cursize if diff > 0: Z = zeros((curlen, diff), dtype=complexfloating) self._wp_coefficients = hstack([self._wp_coefficients, Z]) # Append new coefficients curlen, cursize = self._wp_coefficients.shape c = packet.get_coefficients(component=0).reshape((1, -1)) Z = zeros((1, cursize - bs), dtype=complexfloating) self._wp_coefficients = vstack([self._wp_coefficients, hstack([c, Z])]) # Store the parameter set D = self._dimension qs, ps, Qs, Ps, Ss = self._Pis q, p, Q, P, S = packet.get_parameters(component=0) self._Pis[0] = concatenate([qs, q.reshape((1, D))], axis=0) self._Pis[1] = concatenate([ps, p.reshape((1, D))], axis=0) self._Pis[2] = concatenate([Qs, Q.reshape((1, D, D))], axis=0) self._Pis[3] = concatenate([Ps, P.reshape((1, D, D))], axis=0) self._Pis[4] = concatenate([Ss, S], axis=0) # Store the linear combination coefficient self._lc_coefficients = vstack([self._lc_coefficients, atleast_2d(coefficient)])
[docs] def add_wavepackets(self, packetlist, coefficients=None): r"""Add a list of new wavepackets to the linear combination. :param packetlist: A list of new Hagedorn wavepackets :math:`\{\Psi_j\}`. :type packetlist: A list of :py:class:`HagedornWavepacket` instances. :param coefficients: The corresponding coefficient vector :math:`c`, default is a vector of all 1.0. """ if coefficients is None: coefficients = ones(len(packetlist)) for j, packet in enumerate(packetlist): self.add_wavepacket(packet, coefficients[j])
[docs] def remove_wavepacket(self, packetindex): r"""Remove a wavepacket :math:`\Psi_j` from the linear combination. :param packetindex: The index :math:`0 \leq j < J` of the packet to remove. """ # Note: There are two potential issues: # * Unused basis shapes are never removed. # * The wp_coefficients array does not shrink along axis=1 # Remove basis shape book keeping self._basis_shapes_hashes.pop(packetindex) self._basis_sizes.pop(packetindex) # Remove wavepacket coefficients self._wp_coefficients = delete(self._wp_coefficients, packetindex, axis=0) # Remove wavepacket parameters self._Pis[0] = delete(self._Pis[0], packetindex, axis=0) self._Pis[1] = delete(self._Pis[1], packetindex, axis=0) self._Pis[2] = delete(self._Pis[2], packetindex, axis=0) self._Pis[3] = delete(self._Pis[3], packetindex, axis=0) self._Pis[4] = delete(self._Pis[4], packetindex, axis=0) # Remove the linear combination coefficients self._lc_coefficients = delete(self._lc_coefficients, packetindex, axis=0)
[docs] def get_wavepacket(self, packetindex): r"""Get the wavepacket :math:`\Psi_j` from the linear combination. :param index: The index :math:`0 \leq j < J` of the packet to retrieve. :return: The wavepacket :math:`\Psi_j`. :type: A :py:class:`HagedornWavepacket` instance. """ if packetindex > self._number_packets - 1 or packetindex < 0: raise ValueError("There is no packet with index {}.".format(packetindex)) HAWP = HagedornWavepacket(self._dimension, self._number_components, self._eps) K = self._basis_shapes[self._basis_shapes_hashes[packetindex]] HAWP.set_basis_shapes([K]) q = self._Pis[0][packetindex, :] p = self._Pis[1][packetindex, :] Q = self._Pis[2][packetindex, :, :] P = self._Pis[3][packetindex, :, :] S = self._Pis[4][packetindex, :] HAWP.set_parameters([q, p, Q, P, S]) cj = self._wp_coefficients[packetindex, :] HAWP.set_coefficients(cj, component=0) return HAWP
[docs] def get_wavepackets(self): r"""Get all the wavepackets :math:`\Psi_j` from the linear combination :math:`\Upsilon`. .. warning:: This method potentially generates a *large* number of wavepacket instances. :return: A list of :py:class:`HagedornWavepacket` instances. """ return [self.get_wavepacket(j) for j in range(self._number_packets)]
# def set_wavepackets(self, packetlist): # r""" # :raise: :py:class:`NotImplementedError` Abstract interface. # """ # raise NotImplementedError("'LinearCombinationOfWavepackets' is an abstract interface.")
[docs] def get_basis_shapes(self, packetindex=None): r"""Retrieve the basis shapes :math:`\mathfrak{K}_j` for each packet :math:`\Psi_j`. :param component: The component :math:`i` whose basis shape we request. (Default is ``None`` which means to return the basis shapes for all components. :type component: int :return: The basis shape for an individual component or a list with all shapes. """ if packetindex is not None: return self._basis_shapes[self._basis_shapes_hashes[packetindex]] else: return tuple([self._basis_shapes[ha] for ha in self._basis_shapes_hashes])
[docs] def get_basis_shapes_hashes(self, packetindex=None): r"""Retrieve the hashes of all basis shapes :math:`\mathfrak{K}_j` for each packet :math:`\Psi_j`. :param component: The component :math:`i` whose basis shape we request. (Default is ``None`` which means to return the basis shapes for all components. :type component: int :return: The basis shape for an individual component or a list with all shapes. """ if packetindex is not None: return tuple(self._basis_shapes_hashes[packetindex]) else: return tuple(self._basis_shapes_hashes)
[docs] def get_basis_sizes(self, packetindex=None): r"""Retrieve the basis sizes :math:`|\mathfrak{K}_j|` for each packet :math:`\Psi_j`. :param component: The component :math:`i` whose basis shape we request. (Default is ``None`` which means to return the basis shapes for all components. :type component: int :return: The basis shape for an individual component or a list with all shapes. """ if packetindex is not None: return tuple(self._basis_sizes[packetindex]) else: return tuple(self._basis_sizes)
# def set_basis_shapes(self, basis_shape, component=None): # r"""Set the basis shape :math:`\mathfrak{K}` of a given component or for all components. # :param basis_shape: The basis shape for an individual component or a list with all :math:`N` shapes. # :type basis_shape: A subclass of :py:class:`BasisShape`. # :param component: The component :math:`i` whose basis shape we want to set. (Default is # ``None`` which means to set the basis shapes for all components. # :type component: int # """ # if component is not None: # # Check for valid input basis shape # if not component in range(self._number_components): # raise ValueError("Invalid component index " + str(component)) # # Adapt the coefficient storage vectors # self._resize_coefficient_storage(component, self._basis_shapes[component], basis_shape) # # Set the new basis shape for the given component # self._basis_shapes[component] = basis_shape # else: # # Check for valid input basis shape # if not len(basis_shape) == self._number_components: # raise ValueError("Number of basis shape(s) does not match to number of components.") # for index, bsnew in enumerate(basis_shape): # # Adapt the coefficient storage vectors # self._resize_coefficient_storage(index, self._basis_shapes[index], bsnew) # # Set the new basis shape for the given component # self._basis_shapes[index] = bsnew # # And update the caches information # self._basis_sizes = [ bs.get_basis_size() for bs in self._basis_shapes ]
[docs] def get_wavepacket_coefficient(self, packetindex, index): r"""Retrieve a single coefficient :math:`c^i_k` of the specified component :math:`\Phi_i` of :math:`\Psi`. :param component: The index :math:`i` of the component :math:`\Phi_i` we want to update. :type components: int :param index: The multi-index :math:`k` of the coefficient :math:`c^i_k` we want to update. :type index: A tuple of :math:`D` integers. :return: A single complex number. :raise: :py:class:`ValueError` For invalid indices :math:`i` or :math:`k`. """ if packetindex > self._number_packets - 1 or packetindex < 0: raise ValueError("There is no packet with index {}.".format(packetindex)) basis_shape = self._basis_shapes[self._basis_shapes_hashes[packetindex]] if index not in basis_shape: raise ValueError("There is no basis function with multi-index {}.".format(index)) # Apply linear order mapping here key = basis_shape[index] return self._wp_coefficients[packetindex][key]
[docs] def set_wavepacket_coefficient(self, packetindex, index, value): r"""Set a single coefficient :math:`c^i_k` of the specified component :math:`\Phi_i` of :math:`\Psi`. :param component: The index :math:`i` of the component :math:`\Phi_i` we want to update. :type components: int :param index: The multi-index :math:`k` of the coefficient :math:`c^i_k` we want to update. :type index: A tuple of :math:`D` integers. :param value: The new value of the coefficient :math:`c^i_k`. :raise: :py:class:`ValueError` For invalid indices :math:`i` or :math:`k`. """ if packetindex > self._number_packets - 1 or packetindex < 0: raise ValueError("There is no packet with index {}.".format(packetindex)) basis_shape = self._basis_shapes[self._basis_shapes_hashes[packetindex]] if index not in basis_shape: raise ValueError("There is no basis function with multi-index {}.".format(index)) # Apply linear order mapping here key = basis_shape[index] self._wp_coefficients[packetindex][key] = value
[docs] def get_wavepacket_coefficients(self, packetindex=None): r"""Retrieve a single coefficient :math:`c^i_k` of the specified component :math:`\Phi_i` of :math:`\Psi`. :param component: The index :math:`i` of the component :math:`\Phi_i` we want to update. :type components: int :param index: The multi-index :math:`k` of the coefficient :math:`c^i_k` we want to update. :type index: A tuple of :math:`D` integers. :return: A single complex number. :raise: :py:class:`ValueError` For invalid indices :math:`i` or :math:`k`. """ if packetindex is not None: if packetindex > self._number_packets - 1 or packetindex < 0: raise ValueError("There is no packet with index {}.".format(packetindex)) bs = self._basis_sizes[packetindex] return self._wp_coefficients[packetindex, :bs].copy() else: return self._wp_coefficients.copy()
[docs] def set_wavepacket_coefficients(self, coefficients, basisshapes=None, packetindex=None): r"""Retrieve a single coefficient :math:`c^i_k` of the specified component :math:`\Phi_i` of :math:`\Psi`. Warning: make sure the coefficients and basis shapes stay in sync! :param component: The index :math:`i` of the component :math:`\Phi_i` we want to update. :type components: int :param index: The multi-index :math:`k` of the coefficient :math:`c^i_k` we want to update. :type index: A tuple of :math:`D` integers. :return: A single complex number. :raise: :py:class:`ValueError` For invalid indices :math:`i` or :math:`k`. """ if packetindex is not None: if packetindex > self._number_packets - 1 or packetindex < 0: raise ValueError("There is no packet with index {}.".format(packetindex)) if basisshapes is not None: self._basis_shapes_hashes[packetindex] = hash(basisshapes) self._basis_shapes[hash(basisshapes)] = basisshapes bs = basisshapes.get_basis_size() self._basis_sizes[packetindex] = bs else: bs = self._basis_sizes[packetindex] self._wp_coefficients[packetindex, :bs] = squeeze(coefficients) else: J = self._number_packets if basisshapes is not None: self._basis_shapes_hashes = [hash(ashape) for ashape in basisshapes] self._basis_shapes = {hash(ashape): ashape for ashape in list(set(basisshapes))} self._basis_sizes = [K.get_basis_size() for K in basisshapes] self._wp_coefficients = coefficients.reshape((J, -1))
[docs] def get_wavepacket_parameters(self, packetindex=None, key=("q", "p", "Q", "P", "S")): r"""Get the Hagedorn parameter set :math:`\Pi` of the wavepacket :math:`\Psi_j`. :param packetindex: The index :math:`0 \leq j < J` of the packet whose parameter set :math:`Pi` we want. :return: The Hagedorn parameter set :math:`\Pi = (q, p, Q, P, S)` in this order. """ Pilist = [] if packetindex is not None: D = self._dimension for k in key: if k == "q": Pilist.append(self._Pis[0][packetindex].reshape(D, 1)) elif k == "p": Pilist.append(self._Pis[1][packetindex].reshape(D, 1)) elif k == "Q": Pilist.append(self._Pis[2][packetindex].reshape(D, D)) elif k == "P": Pilist.append(self._Pis[3][packetindex].reshape(D, D)) elif k == "S": Pilist.append(self._Pis[4][packetindex].reshape(1, 1)) else: raise KeyError("Invalid parameter key: {}".format(key)) else: Pilist = [] for k in key: if k == "q": Pilist.append(self._Pis[0].copy()) elif k == "p": Pilist.append(self._Pis[1].copy()) elif k == "Q": Pilist.append(self._Pis[2].copy()) elif k == "P": Pilist.append(self._Pis[3].copy()) elif k == "S": Pilist.append(self._Pis[4].copy()) else: raise KeyError("Invalid parameter key: {}".format(key)) return Pilist
[docs] def set_wavepacket_parameters(self, Pilist, packetindex=None, key=("q", "p", "Q", "P", "S")): r"""Set the Hagedorn parameters :math:`\Pi` of the wavepacket :math:`\Psi_j`. :param Pilist: The Hagedorn parameter set :math:`\Pi = (q, p, Q, P, S)` in this order. """ if packetindex is not None: if packetindex > self._number_packets - 1 or packetindex < 0: raise ValueError("There is no packet with index {}.".format(packetindex)) J = 1 else: packetindex = slice(None) J = self._number_packets D = self._dimension for k, item in zip(key, Pilist): if k == "q": self._Pis[0][packetindex, :] = item.reshape(J, D) elif k == "p": self._Pis[1][packetindex, :] = item.reshape(J, D) elif k == "Q": self._Pis[2][packetindex, :, :] = item.reshape(J, D, D) elif k == "P": self._Pis[3][packetindex, :, :] = item.reshape(J, D, D) elif k == "S": self._Pis[4][packetindex, :] = item.reshape(J, 1) else: raise KeyError("Invalid parameter key: {}".format(key))
[docs] def get_eps(self): r"""Retrieve the semi-classical scaling parameter :math:`\varepsilon` of the wavepacket. :return: The value of :math:`\varepsilon`. """ return self._eps
[docs] def get_coefficient(self, packetindex): r"""Get the coefficient :math:`c_j` of the wavepacket :math:`\Psi_j`. :param packetindex: The index :math:`0 \leq j < J` of the coefficient to retrieve. :return: The coefficient :math:`c_j`. """ return self._lc_coefficients[packetindex]
[docs] def set_coefficient(self, packetindex, coefficient): r"""Set the coefficient :math:`c_j` of the wavepacket :math:`\Psi_j`. :param packetindex: The index :math:`0 \leq j < J` of the coefficient to retrieve. :param coefficient: The coefficient :math:`c_j`. """ self._lc_coefficients[packetindex] = coefficient
[docs] def get_coefficients(self): r"""Get the vector with all coefficients :math:`c_j` of all wavepackets :math:`\Psi_j`. :return: The vector :math:`c` of all coefficients :math:`c_j`. The vector is of shape :math:`(J, 1)`. :type: An :py:class:`ndarray` """ return self._lc_coefficients.copy()
[docs] def set_coefficients(self, coefficients): r"""Update all the coefficients :math:`c` of :math:`\Upsilon`. :param coefficients: The vector :math:`c`. :type coefficients: An :py:class:`ndarray` """ if not coefficients.size == self._number_packets: raise ValueError("Wrong number of new coefficients.") self._lc_coefficients = coefficients.copy().reshape((-1, 1))
# TODO: Put all evaluation functions into common class def _grid_wrap(self, agrid): # TODO: Consider additional input types for "nodes": # list of numpy ndarrays, list of single python scalars if not isinstance(agrid, AbstractGrid): agrid = atleast_2d(agrid) agrid = agrid.reshape(self._dimension, -1) agrid = GridWrapper(agrid) return agrid def _evaluate_phi0(self, nodes, packetindex, prefactor=False): r"""Evaluate the lowest order basis function :math:`\phi_0` on a grid :math:`\Gamma` of nodes. :param Pi: The parameter set :math:`\Pi`. :param nodes: The nodes we evaluate :math:`\phi_0` at. :type nodes: An ndarray of shape ``(D, |\Gamma|)``. :param prefactor: Whether to include a factor of :math:`\frac{1}{\sqrt{\det(Q)}}`. :type prefactor: Boolean, default is ``False``. :param root: The function used to compute the square root in the prefactor. Defaults to the ``sqrt`` function of ``numpy`` but can be any callable object and especially an instance of :py:class:`ContinuousSqrt`. :return: An ndarray of shape ``(|\Gamma|)``. """ D = self._dimension eps = self._eps # The current parameters q = self._Pis[0][packetindex, :].reshape((D, 1)) p = self._Pis[1][packetindex, :].reshape((D, 1)) Q = self._Pis[2][packetindex, :, :].reshape((D, D)) P = self._Pis[3][packetindex, :, :].reshape((D, D)) # TODO: Maybe use LU instead of inv(...) df = nodes - q pr1 = einsum("ik,ij,jk->k", df, dot(P, inv(Q)), df) pr2 = einsum("ij,ik", p, df) exponent = 1.0j / eps**2 * (0.5 * pr1 + pr2) # The problematic prefactor cancels in inner products if prefactor is True: prefactor = (pi * eps**2)**(-D * 0.25) / sqrt(det(Q)) else: prefactor = (pi * eps**2)**(-D * 0.25) return prefactor * exp(exponent)
[docs] def slim_recursion(self, grid, packetindex, prefactor=False): r"""Evaluate the Hagedorn wavepacket :math:`\Psi` at the given nodes :math:`\gamma`. This routine is a slim version compared to the full basis evaluation. At every moment we store only the data we really need to compute the next step until we hit the highest order basis functions. :param grid: The grid :math:`\Gamma` containing the nodes :math:`\gamma`. :type grid: A class having a ``get_nodes(...)`` method. :param component: The index :math:`i` of a single component :math:`\Phi_i` to evaluate. :param prefactor: Whether to include a factor of :math:`\frac{1}{\sqrt{\det(Q)}}`. :type prefactor: Boolean, default is ``False``. :return: A list of arrays or a single array containing the values of the :math:`\Phi_i` at the nodes :math:`\gamma`. Note that this function does not include the global phase :math:`\exp(\frac{i S}{\varepsilon^2})`. """ D = self._dimension # The current parameters q = self._Pis[0][packetindex, :].reshape((D, 1)) # p = self._Pis[1][packetindex,:].reshape((D,1)) Q = self._Pis[2][packetindex, :, :].reshape((D, D)) # P = self._Pis[3][packetindex,:,:].reshape((D,D)) # Precompute some constants Qinv = inv(Q) Qbar = conjugate(Q) QQ = dot(Qinv, Qbar) # The basis shape bas = self._basis_shapes[self._basis_shapes_hashes[packetindex]] Z = tuple(D * [0]) # Book keeping todo = [] newtodo = [Z] olddelete = [] delete = [] tmp = {} # The grid nodes grid = self._grid_wrap(grid) nn = grid.get_number_nodes(overall=True) nodes = grid.get_nodes() # Evaluate phi0 tmp[Z] = self._evaluate_phi0(nodes, packetindex, prefactor=False) psi = self._wp_coefficients[packetindex, bas[Z]] * tmp[Z] # Iterate for higher order states while len(newtodo) != 0: # Delete results that never will be used again for d in olddelete: del tmp[d] # Exchange queus todo = newtodo newtodo = [] olddelete = delete delete = [] # Compute new results for k in todo: # Center stencil at node k ki = vstack(k) # Access predecessors phim = zeros((D, nn), dtype=complexfloating) for j, kpj in bas.get_neighbours(k, selection="backward"): phim[j, :] = tmp[kpj] # Compute the neighbours for d, n in bas.get_neighbours(k, selection="forward"): if n not in tmp.keys(): # Compute 3-term recursion p1 = (nodes - q) * tmp[k] p2 = sqrt(ki) * phim t1 = sqrt(2.0 / self._eps**2) * dot(Qinv[d, :], p1) t2 = dot(QQ[d, :], p2) # Store computed value tmp[n] = (t1 - t2) / sqrt(ki[d] + 1.0) # And update the result psi = psi + self._wp_coefficients[packetindex, bas[n]] * tmp[n] newtodo.append(n) delete.append(k) if prefactor is True: psi = psi / sqrt(det(Q)) return psi
[docs] def evaluate_basis_at(self, grid, prefactor=False): r"""Evaluate all the individual Hagedorn wavepackets :math:`\Psi_j` of :math:`\Upsilon = \sum_{j=0}^J c_j \Psi_j` at the given nodes :math:`\gamma`. :param grid: The grid :math:`\Gamma` containing the nodes :math:`\gamma`. :type grid: A class having a ``get_nodes(...)`` method. :param prefactor: Whether to include a factor of :math:`\frac{1}{\sqrt{\det(Q_j)}}`. :type prefactor: Boolean, default is ``False``. :return: A two-dimensional ndarray :math:`H` of shape :math:`(|\Gamma|, J)` where the entry :math:`H[i, j]` is the value of :math:`\Psi_j(\gamma_i)`. """ grid = self._grid_wrap(grid) G = grid.get_number_nodes(overall=True) J = self._number_packets eps = self._eps values = zeros((G, J)) # Evaluate each packet individually for j in range(J): S = self._Pis[4][j, :] phase = exp(1.0j * S / eps**2) values[:, j] = phase * self.slim_recursion(grid, j, prefactor=prefactor) return values
[docs] def evaluate_at(self, grid, packetindex=None, prefactor=False): r"""Evaluate the linear copmbination :math:`\Upsilon = \sum_{j=0}^J c_j \Psi_j` of Hagedorn wavepackets :math:`\Psi_j` at the given nodes :math:`\gamma`. :param grid: The grid :math:`\Gamma` containing the nodes :math:`\gamma`. :type grid: A class having a ``get_nodes(...)`` method. :param packetindex: The index :math:`j` of a single packet :math:`\Psi_j` to evaluate. (Defaults to ``None`` for evaluating all wavepackets.) :param prefactor: Whether to include a factor of :math:`\frac{1}{\sqrt{\det(Q_j)}}`. :type prefactor: Boolean, default is ``False``. :return: A list of arrays or a single array containing the values of the :math:`\Psi_j` at the nodes :math:`\gamma`. """ eps = self._eps if packetindex is not None: if packetindex > self._number_packets - 1 or packetindex < 0: raise ValueError("There is no packet with index {}.".format(packetindex)) S = self._Pis[4][packetindex, :] phase = exp(1.0j * S / eps**2) values = squeeze(self._lc_coefficients[packetindex]) * phase * self.slim_recursion(grid, packetindex, prefactor=prefactor) else: grid = self._grid_wrap(grid) values = zeros((grid.get_number_nodes(overall=True),)) # Evaluate each packet individually for j in range(self._number_packets): S = self._Pis[4][j, :] phase = exp(1.0j * S / eps**2) values = values + squeeze(self._lc_coefficients[j]) * phase * self.slim_recursion(grid, j, prefactor=prefactor) return values