Source code for WaveBlocksND.LinearCombinationOfWPs

"""The WaveBlocks Project

This file contains the class which represents linear combinations
of general but compatible wavepackets of any kind.

@author: R. Bourquin
@copyright: Copyright (C) 2013 R. Bourquin
@license: Modified BSD License

from numpy import zeros, ones, complexfloating, atleast_2d, delete, vstack

from WaveBlocksND.LinearCombinationOfWavepackets import LinearCombinationOfWavepackets

__all__ = ["LinearCombinationOfWPs"]

[docs]class LinearCombinationOfWPs(LinearCombinationOfWavepackets): r"""This class represents linear combinations of general but compatible wavepackets of any kind. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dimension, number_components, number_packets=0): r"""Initialize a new linear combination of general wavepackets. This object represents :math:`\Upsilon := \sum_{j=0}^{J-1} c_j \Psi_j`. All :math:`J` wavepackets :math:`\Psi_j` have the same number :math:`N` components and are defined in the :math:`D` dimensional space. :param dimension: The space dimension :math:`D` the packets have. :param ncomponents: The number :math:`N` of components the packets have. :return: An instance of :py:class:`LinearCombinationOfWPs`. """ self._dimension = dimension self._number_components = number_components self._packets = [] self._packet_ids = [] self._number_packets = number_packets self._coefficients = zeros((number_packets, 1), dtype=complexfloating)
[docs] def __str__(self): r""" :return: A string describing the linear combination of general wavepackets :math:`\Upsilon = \sum_{j=0}^J c_j \Psi_j`. """ s = ("Linear combination of "+str(self._number_packets)+" general wavepackets, each with "+str(self._number_components)+" component(s) in "+str(self._dimension)+" space dimension(s)\n") return s
[docs] def get_description(self): r"""Return a description of this linear combination object. A description is a ``dict`` containing all key-value pairs necessary to reconstruct the current instance. A description never contains any data. """ d = {} d["type"] = "LinearCombinationOfWPs" d["dimension"] = self._dimension d["ncomponents"] = self._number_components return d
def clone(self, keepid=False): # Parameters of this packet params = self.get_description() # Create a new linear combination # TODO: Consider using the block factory other = LinearCombinationOfWPs(params["dimension"], params["ncomponents"]) newpackets = [wp.clone(keepid=keepid) for wp in self.get_wavepackets()] other.add_wavepackets(newpackets, self.get_coefficients()) return other
[docs] def add_wavepacket(self, packet, coefficient=1.0): r"""Add a new wavepacket to the linear combination. :param packet: The new wavepacket :math:`\Psi_j` to add. :type packet: A :py:class:`Wavepacket` subclass instance. :param coefficient: The corresponding coefficient :math:`c_j`, default is 1.0. """ if not packet.get_dimension() == self._dimension: raise ValueError("Number of dimensions does not match.") if not packet.get_number_components() == self._number_components: raise ValueError("Number of components does not match.") # Note: we do not test that the varepsilon parameter matches. pid = packet.get_id() if pid in self._packet_ids: raise ValueError("Adding packet failed due to duplicate id.") self._packets.append(packet) self._number_packets = self._number_packets + 1 self._packet_ids.append(pid) self._coefficients = vstack([self._coefficients, atleast_2d(coefficient)])
[docs] def add_wavepackets(self, packetlist, coefficients=None): r"""Add a list of new wavepackets to the linear combination. :param packetlist: A list of new wavepackets :math:`\{\Psi_j\}`. :type packetlist: A list of :py:class:`Wavepacket` subclass instances. :param coefficients: The corresponding coefficient vector :math:`c`, default is a vector of all 1.0. """ if coefficients is not None and len(packetlist) != coefficients.size: raise ValueError("Differently many packets and coefficients given.") pids = [] for packet in packetlist: if not packet.get_dimension() == self._dimension: raise ValueError("Number of dimensions does not match.") if not packet.get_number_components() == self._number_components: raise ValueError("Number of components does not match.") # Note: we do not test that the varepsilon parameter matches. pid = packet.get_id() pids.append(pid) if pid in self._packet_ids: raise ValueError("Adding packet failed due to duplicate id.") if coefficients is None: coefficients = ones((len(packetlist), 1)) self._packets.extend(packetlist) self._number_packets = self._number_packets + len(packetlist) self._packet_ids.extend(pids) self._coefficients = vstack([self._coefficients, atleast_2d(coefficients).reshape((-1, 1))])
[docs] def remove_wavepacket(self, index): r"""Remove a wavepacket :math:`\Psi_j` from the linear combination. :param index: The index :math:`0 \leq j < J` of the packet to remove. """ self._packets.pop(index) self._number_packets = self._number_packets - 1 self._packet_ids.pop(index) self._coefficients = delete(self._coefficients, index).reshape((-1, 1))
[docs] def get_wavepacket(self, index): r"""Get the wavepacket :math:`\Psi_j` from the linear combination. :param index: The index :math:`0 \leq j < J` of the packet to retrieve. :return: The wavepacket :math:`\Psi_j`. :type: A :py:class:`Wavepacket` subclass instance. """ return self._packets[index]
[docs] def get_wavepackets(self): r"""Get a list of all wavepackets :math:`\Psi_j` in the linear combination. :return: A list of all wavepackets :math:`\Psi_j`. :type: A list of :py:class:`Wavepacket` subclass instances. """ return tuple(self._packets)
[docs] def set_wavepackets(self, packetlist): r"""Set the list :math:`\{\Psi_j\}_j` of new wavepackets. :param packetlist: A list of new wavepackets :math:`\Psi_j`. :type packetlist: A list of :py:class:`Wavepacket` subclass instances. """ if not len(packetlist) == self._number_packets: raise ValueError("Wrong number of new packets.") self._packets = packetlist[:]
[docs] def get_coefficient(self, index): r"""Get the coefficient :math:`c_j` of the wavepacket :math:`\Psi_j`. :param index: The index :math:`0 \leq j < J` of the coefficient to retrieve. :return: The coefficient :math:`c_j`. """ return self._coefficients[index]
[docs] def set_coefficient(self, index, coefficient): r"""Set the coefficient :math:`c_j` of the wavepacket :math:`\Psi_j`. :param index: The index :math:`0 \leq j < J` of the coefficient to retrieve. :param coefficient: The coefficient :math:`c_j`. """ self._coefficients[index] = coefficient
[docs] def get_coefficients(self): r"""Get the vector with all coefficients :math:`c_j` of all wavepackets :math:`\Psi_j`. :return: The vector :math:`c` of all coefficients :math:`c_j`. The vector is of shape :math:`(J, 1)`. :type: An :py:class:`ndarray` """ return self._coefficients.copy()
[docs] def set_coefficients(self, coefficients): r"""Update all the coefficients :math:`c` of :math:`\Upsilon`. :param coefficients: The vector :math:`c`. :type coefficients: An :py:class:`ndarray` """ if not coefficients.size == self._number_packets: raise ValueError("Wrong number of new coefficients.") self._coefficients = coefficients.copy().reshape((-1, 1))
[docs] def evaluate_at(self, grid, component=None): r"""Evaluate the linear combination of wavepackets :math:`\Upsilon` at the given nodes :math:`\gamma`. :param grid: The grid :math:`\Gamma` containing the nodes :math:`\gamma`. :type grid: A class having a ``get_nodes`` method. :param component: The index :math:`i` of a single component to evaluate. (Defaults to ``None`` for evaluating all components.) :return: A list of arrays or a single array containing the values of the :math:`\Phi_i` at the nodes :math:`\gamma`. """ if self._number_packets == 0: raise ValueError("No packets in the linear combination to evaluate.") # Split one off to get the result array shape if self._number_packets > 0: vals = self._packets[0].evaluate_at(grid, component=component, prefactor=True) if component is None: result = [self._coefficients[0] * val for val in vals] else: result = self._coefficients[0] * vals for index, packet in enumerate(self._packets[1:]): vals = packet.evaluate_at(grid, component=component, prefactor=True) if component is None: result = [res + self._coefficients[index + 1] * val for res, val in zip(result, vals)] else: result = result + self._coefficients[index + 1] * vals return result