Source code for WaveBlocksND.MagnusPropagator

"""The WaveBlocks Project

This file contains the Magnus propagator class for homogeneous wavepackets.

@author: V. Gradinaru
@copyright: Copyright (C) 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016 V. Gradinaru, R. Bourquin
@license: Modified BSD License

from functools import partial
from numpy import dot, eye, atleast_2d, sqrt
from numpy.linalg import inv, det

from WaveBlocksND.Propagator import Propagator
from WaveBlocksND.BlockFactory import BlockFactory
from WaveBlocksND.SplittingParameters import SplittingParameters
from WaveBlocksND.ComplexMath import cont_angle

__all__ = ["MagnusPropagator"]

[docs]class MagnusPropagator(Propagator, SplittingParameters): r"""This class can numerically propagate given initial values :math:`\Psi` in a potential :math:`V(x)`. The propagation is done for a given set of homogeneous Hagedorn wavepackets neglecting interaction."""
[docs] def __init__(self, parameters, potential, packets=[]): r"""Initialize a new :py:class:`MagnusPropagator` instance. :param parameters: A :py:class:`ParameterProvider` instance containing at least the key ``dt`` for providing the timestep :math:`\tau`. :type parameters: A :py:class:`ParameterProvider` instance :param potential: The potential :math:`V(x)` the wavepacket :math:`\Psi` feels during the time propagation. :param packet: The initial homogeneous Hagedorn wavepacket :math:`\Psi` we propagate in time. :raises ValueError: If the number of components of :math:`\Psi` does not match the number of energy levels :math:`\lambda_i` of the potential. """ # The potential :math:`V(x)` the packet(s) feel. self._potential = potential # Number :math:`N` of components the wavepacket :math:`\Psi` has got. self._number_components = self._potential.get_number_components() self._dimension = self._potential.get_dimension() # A list of Hagedorn wavepackets :math:`\Psi` together with some codata # like the leading component :math:`\chi` which is the index of the eigenvalue # :math:`\lambda_\chi` of the potential :math:`V` that is responsible for # propagating the Hagedorn parameters. # TODO: We assume a list of (packet, leading_component) tuples here. Generalize tuples to dicts! # TODO: Do not use a list but better use a hashtable by packet IDs? self._packets = packets[:] # Keep a reference to the parameter provider instance self._parameters = parameters self._dt = self._parameters["dt"] # The relative mass scaling matrix M if "mass_scaling" in self._parameters: self._M = atleast_2d(self._parameters["mass_scaling"]) assert self._M.shape == (self._dimension, self._dimension) self._Minv = inv(self._M) else: # No mass matrix given. Scale all masses equally self._M = eye(self._dimension) self._Minv = self._M # Decide about the matrix exponential algorithm to use self.__dict__["_matrix_exponential"] = BlockFactory().create_matrixexponential(parameters) # Precalculate the potential splittings needed self._prepare_potential() self._a, self._b =["splitting_method"])
def __str__(self): r"""Prepare a printable string representing the :py:class:`MagnusPropagator` instance.""" return "Homogeneous Magnus propagator for " + str(self._number_components) + " components.\n" def _prepare_potential(self): """Precalculate the potential splittings needed """ for chi in set([p[1] for p in self._packets]): self._potential.calculate_local_quadratic(diagonal_component=chi) self._potential.calculate_local_remainder(diagonal_component=chi)
[docs] def add_wavepacket(self, packet): r"""Add a new wavepacket :math:`\Psi` to the list of propagated wavepackets. :param packet: The new wavepacket :math:`\Psi` and its leading component :math:`\chi \in [0,N-1]`. :type packet: A tuple :math:`(\Psi, \chi)` with :math:`\Psi` a :py:class:`HagedornWavepacket` instance and :math:`\chi` an integer. """ self._packets.append(tuple(packet)) self._prepare_potential()
# TODO: Consider removing this, duplicate
[docs] def get_number_components(self): r""":return: The number :math:`N` of components :math:`\Phi_i` of :math:`\Psi`. """ return self._number_components
[docs] def get_wavepackets(self, packet=None): r"""Return the wavepackets :math:`\{\Psi_i\}_i` that take part in the time propagation by the current :py:class:`MagnusPropagator` instance. :param packet: The index :math:`i` (in this list) of a single packet :math:`\Psi_i` that is to be returned. If set to ``None`` (default) return the full list with all packets. :type packet: Integer or ``None`` :return: A list of :py:class:`HagedornWavepacket` instances or a single instance. """ # TODO: Does not return leading components. Add this if needed somewhere. if packet is None: return [p[0] for p in self._packets] else: return self._packets[packet][0]
[docs] def set_wavepackets(self, packetlist): """Set the list :math:`\{\Psi_i\}_i` of wavepackets that the propagator will propagate. :param packetlist: A list of new wavepackets :math:`\Psi_i` and their leading components :math:`\chi_i` to propagate. :type packetlist: A list of :math:`(\Psi_i, \chi_i)` tuples. """ self._packets = packetlist[:]
def _propkin(self, h, packet): """Do a kinetic step of size h. """ Mi = self._Minv key = ("q", "p", "Q", "P", "S", "adQ") q, p, Q, P, S, adQ = packet.get_parameters(key=key) q = q + h * dot(Mi, p) Q = Q + h * dot(Mi, P) S = S + 0.5 * h * dot(p.T, dot(Mi, p)) adQn = cont_angle(det(Q), reference=adQ)[0] packet.set_parameters((q, p, Q, P, S, adQn), key=key) def _proppotquad(self, h, packet, leading_chi): """Do a potential step of size h with the local quadratic part. """ q, p, Q, P, S = packet.get_parameters() V = self._potential.evaluate_local_quadratic_at(q, diagonal_component=leading_chi) p = p - h * V[1] P = P - h * dot(V[2], Q) S = S - h * V[0] packet.set_parameters((q, p, Q, P, S))
[docs] def propagate(self): r"""Given a wavepacket :math:`\Psi` at time :math:`t` compute the propagated wavepacket at time :math:`t + \tau`. We perform exactly one timestep of size :math:`\tau` here. This propagation is done for all packets in the list :math:`\{\Psi_i\}_i` and neglects any interaction between two packets. The semiclassical propagation scheme is used. The Gauss-Legendre rule on the interval :math:`[-1,1]` has two nodes :math:`n_1 = -\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}` and :math:`n_2 = \frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}`. The integration time step is :math:`[0, 1] dt`, hence we rescale the nodes onto the interval :math:`[0, 1]` to get :math:`n_1^{\prime} = \frac{1}{2} - \frac{1}{2\sqrt{3}} = \frac{1}{2} - \frac{\sqrt{3}}{6}` and :math:`n_2^{\prime} = \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2\sqrt{3}} = \frac{1}{2} + \frac{\sqrt{3}}{6}`. The two time points :math:`h_1` and :math:`h_2` are then given by :math:`h_1 = n_1^{\prime} = \frac{1}{2} - \frac{1}{2\sqrt{3}}` and :math:`h_2 = n_2^{\prime} - n_1^{\prime} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}`. Given a (matrix) differential equation: .. math:: y^{\prime}(t) = A(t) y(t) with :math:`t \geq 0`. In each timestep of size :math:`h = dt` we compute: .. math:: A_1 &= A \left( t_n + \left(\frac{1}{2} - \frac{\sqrt{3}}{6} \right) h \right) \\ A_2 &= A \left( t_n + \left(\frac{1}{2} + \frac{\sqrt{3}}{6} \right) h \right) from which we get: .. math:: \sigma_n = \frac{1}{2} h (A_1 + A_2) + \frac{\sqrt{3}}{12} h^2 [A_2, A_1] and then we find for the solution: .. math:: y_{n+1} = e^{\sigma_n} y_n More details can be found in [#]_ and [#]_ and especially formula 2.9 in [#]_. .. [#] S. Blanes and P.C. Moan, "Fourth- and sixth-order commutator-free Magnus integrators for linear and non-linear dynamical systems", Applied Numerical Mathematics, volume 56 number 12 (2006) 1519-1537. .. [#] S. Blanes and F. Casas and J. Ros, "Improved high order integrators based on the Magnus expansion", BIT Numerical Mathematics, volume 40 (1999) 434-450. .. [#] A. Iserles, A. Marthinsen and S.P. Norsett, "On the Implementation of the Method of Magnus Series for Linear Differential Equations", BIT Numerical Mathematics, volume 39 number 2 (1999) 281-304. """ # Cache some parameter values dt = self._dt a = self._a b = self._b # Propagate all packets for packet, leading_chi in self._packets: eps = packet.get_eps() # Propagate until c1 * dt h1 = (0.5 - sqrt(3.0) / 6.0) * dt # Inner time step nrinnersteps = self._parameters.get("innersteps", h1**0.5 * eps**(-3.0 / 8.0)) nrlocalsteps1 = max(1, 1 + int(nrinnersteps)) self.intsplit(self._propkin, self._proppotquad, a, b, [0.0, h1], nrlocalsteps1, [packet], [packet, leading_chi]) # Build a first matrix here with the current parameters of the wavepacket innerproduct = packet.get_innerproduct() A1 = -1.0j / eps**2 * innerproduct.build_matrix(packet, operator=partial(self._potential.evaluate_local_remainder_at, diagonal_component=leading_chi)) # Propagate until c2 * dt h2 = 1.0 / sqrt(3.0) * dt # Inner time step nrinnersteps = self._parameters.get("innersteps", h2**0.5 * eps**(-3.0 / 8.0)) nrlocalsteps2 = max(1, 1 + int(nrinnersteps)) self.intsplit(self._propkin, self._proppotquad, a, b, [0.0, h2], nrlocalsteps2, [packet], [packet, leading_chi]) # Build a second matrix here with the current parameters of the wavepacket innerproduct = packet.get_innerproduct() A2 = -1.0j / eps**2 * innerproduct.build_matrix(packet, operator=partial(self._potential.evaluate_local_remainder_at, diagonal_component=leading_chi)) # Combine A1 and A2 and build the F matrix for Magnus of 4-th order split F = 0.5 * dt * (A1 + A2) + sqrt(3.0) / 12.0 * dt**2 * (dot(A2, A1) - dot(A1, A2)) # Propagate the coefficients coefficients = packet.get_coefficient_vector() coefficients = self._matrix_exponential(F, coefficients, 1.0) packet.set_coefficient_vector(coefficients) # Propagate until dt to finish the current timestep self.intsplit(self._propkin, self._proppotquad, a, b, [0.0, h1], nrlocalsteps1, [packet], [packet, leading_chi])