Source code for WaveBlocksND.MatrixPotential

r"""The WaveBlocks Project

This file contains the abstract base class for the representation of matrix-valued
potentials :math:`V(x)` in an arbitrary number :math:`D` of space dimensions, i.e.
we have :math:`x \in \mathbb{R}^D`. The potential can model an arbitrary but fixed
number :math:`N` of energy levels :math:`\lambda_i`.

The :py:class:`MatrixPotential` defines the interface every subclass must support
to represent a potential. Additionally it implements some of the common methods.

@author: R. Bourquin
@copyright: Copyright (C) 2012 R. Bourquin
@license: Modified BSD License

__all__ = ["MatrixPotential"]

[docs]class MatrixPotential(object): r"""This class represents a potential :math:`V(x)` with :math:`x \in \mathbb{R}^D`. The potential is given as an analytic expression. Some calculations with the potential are supported. For example calculation of eigenvalues :math:`\lambda_i(x)` and eigenvectors :math:`\nu_i(x)` and numerical evaluation on a grid :math:`\Gamma`. """ def __init__(self): r"""Create a new :py:class:`MatrixPotential` instance for a given potential matrix :math:`V(x)`. :raise: :py:class:`NotImplementedError` This is an abstract base class. """ raise NotImplementedError("'MatrixPotential' is an abstract base class.")
[docs] def get_dimension(self): r"""Return the dimension :math:`D` of the potential :math:`V(x)`. The dimension is equal to the number of free variables :math:`x_i` where :math:`x := (x_1, x_2, ..., x_D)`. """ return self._dimension
[docs] def get_number_components(self): r"""Return the number :math:`N` of components the potential :math:`V(x)` supports. This is equivalent to the number of energy levels :math:`\lambda_i(x)`. """ return self._number_components
[docs] def evaluate_at(self, grid, entry=None): r"""Evaluate the potential :math:`V(x)` elementwise on a grid :math:`\Gamma`. :param grid: The grid containing the nodes :math:`\gamma_i` we want to evaluate the potential at. :param entry: The indices :math:`(i,j)` of the component :math:`V_{i,j}(x)` we want to evaluate or ``None`` to evaluate all entries. :raise: :py:class:`NotImplementedError` This is an abstract base class. """ raise NotImplementedError("evaluate_at(...)")
[docs] def calculate_eigenvalues(self): r"""Calculate the eigenvalue :math:`\lambda_0(x)` of the potential :math:`V(x)`. :raise: :py:class:`NotImplementedError` This is an abstract base class. """ raise NotImplementedError("calculate_eigenvalues(...)")
[docs] def evaluate_eigenvalues_at(self, grid, entry=None): r"""Evaluate the eigenvalues :math:`\Lambda(x)` elementwise on a grid :math:`\Gamma`. :param grid: The grid containing the nodes :math:`\gamma_i` we want to evaluate the eigenvalues at. :param entry: The index :math:`i` of the eigenvalue :math:`\lambda_i(x)` we want to evaluate or ``None`` to evaluate all eigenvalues. :raise: :py:class:`NotImplementedError` This is an abstract base class. """ raise NotImplementedError("evaluate_eigenvalues_at(...)")
[docs] def calculate_eigenvectors(self): r"""Calculate the eigenvectors :math:`\nu_i(x)` of the potential :math:`V(x)`. :raise: :py:class:`NotImplementedError` This is an abstract base class. """ raise NotImplementedError("calculate_eigenvectors(...)")
[docs] def evaluate_eigenvectors_at(self, grid, entry=None): r"""Evaluate the eigenvectors :math:`\nu_i(x)` elementwise on a grid :math:`\Gamma`. :param grid: The grid containing the nodes :math:`\gamma_i` we want to evaluate the eigenvectors at. :param entry: The index :math:`i` of the eigenvector :math:`\nu_i(x)` we want to evaluate or ``None`` to evaluate all eigenvectors. :raise: :py:class:`NotImplementedError` This is an abstract base class. """ raise NotImplementedError("evaluate_eigenvectors_at(...)")
[docs] def calculate_exponential(self, factor=1): r"""Calculate the matrix exponential :math:`\exp(\alpha V)`. :param factor: The prefactor :math:`\alpha` in the exponential. :raise: :py:class:`NotImplementedError` This is an abstract base class. """ raise NotImplementedError("calculate_exponential(...)")
[docs] def evaluate_exponential_at(self, grid): r"""Evaluate the exponential of the potential matrix :math:`V(x)` on a grid :math:`\Gamma`. :param grid: The grid containing the nodes :math:`\gamma_i` we want to evaluate the exponential at. :raise: :py:class:`NotImplementedError` This is an abstract base class. """ raise NotImplementedError("evaluate_exponential_at(...)")