Source code for WaveBlocksND.MatrixPotentialMS

r"""The WaveBlocks Project

This file contains code for the representation of potentials :math:`V(x)`
that contain three or more energy levels :math:`\lambda_i`. (In principle
the code works also with 1 or 2 levels, but it is not used that way.)
The number of space dimensions can be arbitrary, :math:`x \in \mathbb{R}^D`.

@author: R. Bourquin
@copyright: Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014 R. Bourquin
@license: Modified BSD License

import sympy
import numpy
from scipy import linalg

from WaveBlocksND.MatrixPotential import MatrixPotential
from WaveBlocksND.AbstractGrid import AbstractGrid
from WaveBlocksND.GridWrapper import GridWrapper
from WaveBlocksND import GlobalDefaults

__all__ = ["MatrixPotentialMS"]

[docs]class MatrixPotentialMS(MatrixPotential): r"""This class represents a matrix potential :math:`V(x)`. The potential is given as an analytic :math:`N \times N` matrix expression. All methods use pure numerical techniques because symbolical calculations are unfeasible for 3 or more energy levels. """ def __init__(self, expression, variables, **kwargs): r"""Create a new :py:class:`MatrixPotentialMS` instance for a given potential matrix :math:`V(x)`. :param expression: The mathematical expression representing the potential. :type expressiom: A `Sympy` matrix type. :param variables: The variables corresponding to the space dimensions. :type variables: A list of `Sympy` symbols. """ # The variables that represents position space. The order matters! self._variables = variables # The dimension of position space. self._dimension = len(variables) # Do we want to make eigenvectors continuous # TODO: This is an experimental feature! if "continuous_eigenvectors" in kwargs: self._continuous_eigenvectors = kwargs["continuous_eigenvectors"] else: self._continuous_eigenvectors = GlobalDefaults.__dict__["continuous_eigenvectors"] # This number of energy levels. assert expression.is_square # We handle the general NxN case here self._number_components = expression.shape[0] # The the potential, symbolic expressions and evaluatable functions self._potential_s = expression self._potential_n = tuple(sympy.lambdify(self._variables, entry, "numpy") for entry in self._potential_s) # The Jacobian and Hessian matrices of all entries of V self._JV_s = None self._JV_n = None self._HV_s = None self._HV_n = None def _grid_wrap(self, agrid): # TODO: Consider additional input types for "nodes": # list of numpy ndarrays, list of single python scalars if not isinstance(agrid, AbstractGrid): agrid = numpy.atleast_2d(agrid) agrid = agrid.reshape(self._dimension, -1) agrid = GridWrapper(agrid) return agrid
[docs] def evaluate_at(self, grid, entry=None, as_matrix=True): r"""Evaluate the potential :math:`V(x)` elementwise on a grid :math:`\Gamma`. :param grid: The grid containing the nodes :math:`\gamma_i` we want to evaluate the potential at. :type grid: A :py:class:`Grid` instance. (Numpy arrays are not directly supported yet.) :param entry: The indices :math:`(i,j)` of the component :math:`V_{i,j}(x)` we want to evaluate or ``None`` to evaluate all entries. :type entry: A python tuple of two integers. :param as_matrix: Dummy parameter which has no effect here. :return: A list containing :math:`N^2` numpy ndarrays of shape :math:`(1, |\Gamma|)`. """ grid = self._grid_wrap(grid) # Determine which entries to evaluate if entry is not None: (row, col) = entry entries = [row * self._number_components + col] else: N = self._number_components entries = [row * N + col for row in range(N) for col in range(N)] # Evaluate all entries specified result = [] nodes = grid.get_nodes(split=True) for index in entries: # Evaluate the potential at the given nodes values = self._potential_n[index](*nodes) # Test for potential being constant if numpy.atleast_1d(values).shape == (1,): values = values * numpy.ones(grid.get_number_nodes(), dtype=numpy.complexfloating) # Put the result in correct shape (1, #gridnodes) N = grid.get_number_nodes(overall=True) result.append(values.reshape((1, N))) # TODO: Consider unpacking single ndarray iff entry != None if entry is not None: result = result[0] return tuple(result)
[docs] def calculate_eigenvalues(self): r"""Calculate all the eigenvalues :math:`\lambda_i(x)` of the potential :math:`V(x)`. We can not do this by symbolic calculations, hence the function has an empty implementation. We compute the eigenvalues by numerical techniques in the corresponding `evaluate_eigenvalues_at` function. """ pass
[docs] def evaluate_eigenvalues_at(self, grid, entry=None, as_matrix=False, sorted=True): r"""Evaluate the eigenvalues :math:`\lambda_i(x)` elementwise on a grid :math:`\Gamma`. :param grid: The grid containing the nodes :math:`\gamma_i` we want to evaluate the eigenvalues at. :type grid: A :py:class:`Grid` instance. (Numpy arrays are not directly supported yet.) :param entry: The indices :math:`(i,j)` of the component :math:`\Lambda_{i,j}(x)` we want to evaluate or ``None`` to evaluate all entries. If :math:`j = i` then we evaluate the eigenvalue :math:`\lambda_i(x)`. :type entry: A python tuple of two integers. :param as_matrix: Whether to include the off-diagonal zero entries of :math:`\Lambda_{i,j}(x)` in the return value. :return: A list containing the numpy ndarrays, all of shape :math:`(1, |\Gamma|)`. """ grid = self._grid_wrap(grid) N = self._number_components n = grid.get_number_nodes(overall=True) # Early return shortcut for off-diagonal entries if entry is not None: (row, col) = entry if row != col: return numpy.zeros((1, n), dtype=numpy.complexfloating) # Memory for storing temporary values tmppot = numpy.ndarray((n, N, N), dtype=numpy.complexfloating) tmpew = numpy.ndarray((n, N), dtype=numpy.complexfloating) # Evaluate potential values = self.evaluate_at(grid) # Fill in values for row in range(N): for col in range(N): tmppot[:, row, col] = values[N * row + col] # Calculate eigenvalues assuming hermitian matrix (eigvalsh for stability!) for i in range(n): ew = linalg.eigvalsh(tmppot[i, :, :]) if sorted is True: # Sorting the eigenvalues, biggest first. # TODO: Sort will fail iff energy level cross! ew.sort() tmpew[i, :] = ew[::-1] else: # Do not sort tmpew[i, :] = ew[:] # Split the data into different eigenvalues tmp = [tmpew[:, index].reshape((1, n)) for index in range(N)] if entry is not None: (row, col) = entry result = tmp[row] # Offdiagonal case handled on top elif as_matrix is True: result = [] for row in range(N): for col in range(N): if row == col: result.append(tmp[row]) else: result.append(numpy.zeros(tmp[row].shape, dtype=numpy.complexfloating)) else: result = tuple(tmp) return result
[docs] def calculate_eigenvectors(self): r"""Calculate all the eigenvectors :math:`\nu_i(x)` of the potential :math:`V(x)`. We can not do this by symbolic calculations, hence the function has an empty implementation. We compute the eigenvectors by numerical techniques in the corresponding `evaluate_eigenvectors_at` function. """ pass
[docs] def evaluate_eigenvectors_at(self, grid, sorted=True): r"""Evaluate the eigenvectors :math:`\nu_i(x)` elementwise on a grid :math:`\Gamma`. :param grid: The grid containing the nodes :math:`\gamma_i` we want to evaluate the eigenvectors at. :type grid: A :py:class:`Grid` instance. (Numpy arrays are not directly supported yet.) :return: A list containing the :math:`N` numpy ndarrays, all of shape :math:`(D, |\Gamma|)`. """ grid = self._grid_wrap(grid) N = self._number_components n = grid.get_number_nodes(overall=True) # Memory for storing temporary values tmppot = numpy.ndarray((n, N, N), dtype=numpy.complexfloating) tmpev = numpy.ndarray((n, N, N), dtype=numpy.complexfloating) # Evaluate potential values = self.evaluate_at(grid) # Fill in values for row in range(N): for col in range(N): tmppot[:, row, col] = values[N * row + col] # Calculate eigenvectors assuming hermitian matrix (eigh for stability!) for i in range(n): ew, ev = linalg.eigh(tmppot[i, :, :]) if sorted is True: # Sorting the eigenvectors in the same order as the eigenvalues. ind = numpy.argsort(ew) ind = ind[::-1] evs = ev[:, ind] tmpev[i, :, :] = evs else: # No sorting tmpev[i, :, :] = ev # A trick due to G. Hagedorn to get continuous eigenvectors # TODO: Not sure if it works in higher dimensions too! (Probably it does not) if self._continuous_eigenvectors is True: for i in range(1, n): for ev in range(N): if[i, :, ev], tmpev[i - 1, :, ev]) < 0: tmpev[i, :, ev] *= -1 return tuple(numpy.transpose(tmpev[:, :, index]) for index in range(N))
[docs] def calculate_exponential(self, factor=1): r"""Calculate the matrix exponential :math:`\exp(\alpha V)`. In the case of this class the matrix is of size :math:`N \times N` thus the exponential can not be calculated analytically for a general matrix. We use numerical approximations to determine the matrix exponential. We just store the prefactor :math:`\alpha` for use during numerical evaluation. :param factor: The prefactor :math:`\alpha` in the exponential. """ # Store the factor for later numerical computations. self._factor = factor
[docs] def evaluate_exponential_at(self, grid): r"""Evaluate the exponential of the potential matrix :math:`V(x)` on a grid :math:`\Gamma`. :param grid: The grid containing the nodes :math:`\gamma_i` we want to evaluate the exponential at. :type grid: A :py:class:`Grid` instance. (Numpy arrays are not directly supported yet.) :return: The numerical approximation of the matrix exponential at the given grid nodes. A list contains the exponentials for all entries :math:`(i,j)`, each having a shape of :math:`(1, |\Gamma|)`. """ grid = self._grid_wrap(grid) N = self._number_components n = grid.get_number_nodes(overall=True) # Memory for storing temporary values tmp = numpy.ndarray((n, N, N), dtype=numpy.complexfloating) # Evaluate potential values = self.evaluate_at(grid) # Fill in values for row in range(N): for col in range(N): tmp[:, row, col] = self._factor * values[N * row + col] # Calculate exponential for i in range(n): tmp[i, :, :] = linalg.expm(tmp[i, :, :]) # Split the data into different components return tuple(tmp[:, row, col].reshape((1, n)) for row in range(N) for col in range(N))
def _calculate_jacobian_of_matrix(self, entry=None): r"""Compute the Jacobian of the matrix elements :math:`V_{i,j}`. """ if self._JV_s is not None: return self._JV_s = {} self._JV_n = {} for i, variable in enumerate(self._variables): self._JV_s[i] = tuple(sympy.diff(entry, variable) for entry in self._potential_s) for k, v in self._JV_s.items(): self._JV_n[k] = tuple(sympy.lambdify(self._variables, entry, "numpy") for entry in v) def _calculate_hessian_of_matrix(self, entry=None): r"""Compute the Hessian of the matrix elements :math:`V_{i,j}`. """ if self._HV_s is not None: return self._HV_s = {} self._HV_n = {} for i, variable1 in enumerate(self._variables): for j, variable2 in enumerate(self._variables): self._HV_s[(i, j)] = tuple(sympy.diff(sympy.diff(entry, variable1), variable2) for entry in self._potential_s) for key, val in self._HV_s.items(): self._HV_n[key] = tuple(sympy.lambdify(self._variables, entry, "numpy") for entry in val) def _evaluate_jacobian_of_matrix(self, variable, grid, entry=None): # Note: We assume grid is already of supertype Grid n = grid.get_number_nodes(overall=True) N = self._number_components nodes = grid.get_nodes(split=True) dAdxk = numpy.zeros((n, N, N), dtype=numpy.complexfloating) for row in range(N): for col in range(N): dAdxk[:, row, col] = self._JV_n[variable][N * row + col](*nodes) return dAdxk def _evaluate_hessian_of_matrix(self, variables, grid, entry=None): # Note: We assume grid is already of supertype Grid n = grid.get_number_nodes(overall=True) N = self._number_components nodes = grid.get_nodes(split=True) dAdxidxj = numpy.zeros((n, N, N), dtype=numpy.complexfloating) for row in range(N): for col in range(N): dAdxidxj[:, row, col] = self._HV_n[variables][N * row + col](*nodes) return dAdxidxj
[docs] def calculate_jacobian(self): r"""Calculate the Jacobian matrix :math:`\nabla \lambda_i` of the potential's eigenvalues :math:`\Lambda(x)` with :math:`x \in \mathbb{R}^D`. For potentials which depend only one variable, this equals the first derivative and :math:`D=1`. Note that this function is idempotent. """ self._calculate_jacobian_of_matrix()
[docs] def evaluate_jacobian_at(self, grid, component=None): r"""Evaluate the list of Jacobian matrices :math:`\nabla \lambda_i(x)` at some grid nodes :math:`\Gamma` for one or all eigenvalues. :param grid: The grid nodes :math:`\Gamma` the Jacobian gets evaluated at. :type grid: A :py:class:`Grid` instance. (Numpy arrays are not directly supported yet.) :param component: The index :math:`i` of the eigenvalue :math:`\lambda_i`. :return: The value of the potential's Jacobian at the given nodes. The result is a list of ``ndarray`` each of shape :math:`(D,1)` is we evaluate at a single grid node or of shape :math:`(D,|\Gamma|)` if we evaluate at multiple nodes simultaneously. """ grid = self._grid_wrap(grid) D = self._dimension N = self._number_components n = grid.get_number_nodes(overall=True) # For which eigenvalues do we need to do the computation if component is None: levels = range(N) else: levels = [component] # Compute eigenvectors EV = self.evaluate_eigenvectors_at(grid, sorted=False) Jn = [] # For each eigenvalue for l in levels: Jl = numpy.zeros((D, n), dtype=numpy.complexfloating) # For each variable xi for i in range(D): dAdxi = self._evaluate_jacobian_of_matrix(i, grid) # TODO: Adapt to non-real eigenvectors by conjugating first EV[l] Jl[i, :] = numpy.einsum("j...,...jk,k...", numpy.conjugate(EV[l]), dAdxi, EV[l]) Jn.append(Jl) if component is not None: # Unpack single item return Jn[0] else: return tuple(Jn)
[docs] def calculate_hessian(self): r"""Calculate the Hessian matrix :math:`\nabla^2 \lambda_i` of the potential's eigenvalues :math:`\Lambda(x)` with :math:`x \in \mathbb{R}^D`. For potentials which depend only one variable, this equals the second derivative and :math:`D=1`. Note that this function is idempotent. """ self._calculate_hessian_of_matrix()
[docs] def evaluate_hessian_at(self, grid, component=None): r"""Evaluate the list of Hessian matrices :math:`\nabla^2 \lambda_i(x)` at some grid nodes :math:`\Gamma` for one or all eigenvalues. :param grid: The grid nodes :math:`\Gamma` the Hessian gets evaluated at. :type grid: A :py:class:`Grid` instance. (Numpy arrays are not directly supported yet.) :param component: The index :math:`i` of the eigenvalue :math:`\lambda_i`. :return: The value of the potential's Hessian at the given nodes. The result is an ``ndarray`` of shape :math:`(D,D)` is we evaluate at a single grid node or of shape :math:`(D,D,|\Gamma|)` if we evaluate at multiple nodes simultaneously. """ grid = self._grid_wrap(grid) D = self._dimension N = self._number_components n = grid.get_number_nodes(overall=True) # For which eigenvalues do we need to do the computation if component is None: levels = range(N) else: levels = [component] # Compute eigenvalues EW = self.evaluate_eigenvalues_at(grid, sorted=False) # Compute eigenvectors EV = self.evaluate_eigenvectors_at(grid, sorted=False) Hn = [] # For each eigenvalue for l in levels: Hl = numpy.zeros((D, D, n), dtype=numpy.complexfloating) # For all variable pairs (xi, xj) for i in range(D): for j in range(D): # First term dAdxidxj = self._evaluate_hessian_of_matrix((i, j), grid) # TODO: Adapt to non-real eigenvectors by conjugating first EV[l] Hl[i, j] = numpy.einsum("j...,...jk,k...", numpy.conjugate(EV[l]), dAdxidxj, EV[l]) # Second terms tmp = numpy.zeros((n,), dtype=numpy.complexfloating) for k in range(N): if k != l: # TODO: Pull these out of the i/j loops? dAdxi = self._evaluate_jacobian_of_matrix(i, grid) dAdxj = self._evaluate_jacobian_of_matrix(j, grid) # TODO: Adapt to non-real eigenvectors by conjugating first EV[l] factor1 = numpy.einsum("j...,...jk,k...", numpy.conjugate(EV[l]), dAdxi, EV[k]) factor2 = numpy.einsum("j...,...jk,k...", numpy.conjugate(EV[l]), dAdxj, EV[k]) tmp = tmp + factor1 * factor2 / (EW[l] - EW[k]) Hl[i, j, :] = Hl[i, j, :] + 2 * tmp if n == 1: Hl = Hl.reshape((D, D)) Hn.append(Hl) if component is not None: # Unpack single item return Hn[0] else: return tuple(Hn)
[docs] def calculate_local_quadratic(self, diagonal_component=None): r"""Calculate the local quadratic approximation matrix :math:`U(x)` of the potential's eigenvalues in :math:`\Lambda(x)`. This function can be used for the homogeneous case and takes into account the leading component :math:`\chi \in [0,\ldots,N-1]`. If the parameter :math:`i` is not given, calculate the local quadratic approximation matrix :math:`U(x)` of all the potential's eigenvalues in :math:`\Lambda`. This case can be used for the inhomogeneous case. :param diagonal_component: Dummy parameter which has no effect here. """ self._calculate_jacobian_of_matrix() self._calculate_hessian_of_matrix()
[docs] def evaluate_local_quadratic_at(self, grid, diagonal_component=None): r"""Numerically evaluate the local quadratic approximation matrix :math:`U(x)` of the potential's eigenvalues in :math:`\Lambda(x)` at the given grid nodes :math:`\Gamma`. :param grid: The grid :math:`\Gamma` containing the nodes :math:`\gamma` we want to evaluate the quadratic approximation at. :type grid: A :py:class:`Grid` instance. (Numpy arrays are not directly supported yet.) :param diagonal_component: Specifies the index :math:`i` of the eigenvalue :math:`\lambda_i` that gets expanded into a Taylor series :math:`u_i`. :return: A list of tuples or a single tuple. Each tuple :math:`(\lambda, J, H)` contains the the evaluated eigenvalue :math:`\lambda_i(\Gamma)`, its Jacobian :math:`J(\Gamma)` and its Hessian :math:`H(\Gamma)` in this order. """ if diagonal_component is not None: V = self.evaluate_eigenvalues_at(grid, entry=(diagonal_component, diagonal_component)) J = self.evaluate_jacobian_at(grid, component=diagonal_component) H = self.evaluate_hessian_at(grid, component=diagonal_component) result = (V, J, H) else: Vlist = self.evaluate_eigenvalues_at(grid) Jlist = self.evaluate_jacobian_at(grid) Hlist = self.evaluate_hessian_at(grid) result = [(V, J, H) for V, J, H in zip(Vlist, Jlist, Hlist)] return tuple(result)
[docs] def calculate_local_remainder(self, diagonal_component=None): r"""Calculate the non-quadratic remainder matrix :math:`W(x) = V(x) - U(x)` of the quadratic approximation matrix :math:`U(x)` of the potential's eigenvalue matrix :math:`\Lambda(x)`. In the homogeneous case the matrix :math:`U` is given by :math:`U(x) = \text{diag}([u_i,\ldots,u_i])` where in the inhomogeneous case it is given by :math:`U(x) = \text{diag}([u_0,\ldots,u_{N-1}])`. :param diagonal_component: Specifies the index :math:`i` of the eigenvalue :math:`\lambda_i` that gets expanded into a Taylor series :math:`u_i`. If set to ``None`` the inhomogeneous case is computed. :type diagonal_component: Integer or ``None`` (default) """ self._calculate_jacobian_of_matrix() self._calculate_hessian_of_matrix()
[docs] def evaluate_local_remainder_at(self, grid, position, diagonal_component=None, entry=None): r"""Numerically evaluate the non-quadratic remainder :math:`W(x)` of the quadratic approximation :math:`U(x)` of the potential's eigenvalue :math:`\Lambda(x)` at the given nodes :math:`\Gamma`. Warning: do not set the ``diagonal_component`` and the ``entry`` parameter both to ``None``. :param grid: The grid nodes :math:`\Gamma` the remainder :math:`W` gets evaluated at. :param position: The point :math:`q \in \mathbb{R}^D` where the Taylor series is computed. :param diagonal_component: Specifies the index :math:`i` of the eigenvalue :math:`\lambda_i` that gets expanded into a Taylor series :math:`u_i` and whose remainder matrix :math:`W(x) = V(x) - \text{diag}([u_i,\ldots,u_i])` we evaluate. If set to ``None`` the inhomogeneous case given by :math:`W(x) = V(x) - \text{diag}([u_0,\ldots,u_{N-1}])` is computed. :type diagonal_component: Integer or ``None`` (default) :param entry: The entry :math:`\left(i,j\right)` of the remainder matrix :math:`W` that is evaluated. :type entry: A python tuple of two integers. :return: A list with :math:`N^2` ``ndarray`` elements or a single ``ndarray``. Each containing the values of :math:`W_{i,j}(\Gamma)`. Each array is of shape :math:`(1,|\Gamma|)`. """ grid = self._grid_wrap(grid) position = numpy.atleast_2d(position) nodes = grid.get_nodes() N = self._number_components if entry is not None: rows = [entry[0]] cols = [entry[1]] else: rows = range(N) cols = range(N) W = [] if diagonal_component is not None: # Homogeneous case V = self.evaluate_at(grid) L, J, H = self.evaluate_local_quadratic_at(position, diagonal_component=diagonal_component) # Compute quadratic approximation # L(q) + J(q)*(G-q) + 1/2*(G-q)T*H(q)*(G-q) df = nodes - position U = L + numpy.einsum("i...,i...", J, df) + 0.5 * numpy.einsum("j...,jk...,k...", df, H, df) # Compute the remainder W = V - U for row in rows: for col in cols: if row == col: W.append(V[row * N + col] - U) else: W.append(V[row * N + col]) else: # Inhomogeneous case V = self.evaluate_at(grid) # Compute the remainder W = V - U for row in rows: L, J, H = self.evaluate_local_quadratic_at(position, diagonal_component=row) # Compute quadratic approximation # L(q) + J(q)*(G-q) + 1/2*(G-q)T*H(q)*(G-q) df = nodes - position U = L + numpy.einsum("i...,i...", J, df) + 0.5 * numpy.einsum("j...,jk...,k...", df, H, df) for col in cols: if row == col: W.append(V[row * N + col] - U) else: W.append(V[row * N + col]) if entry is not None: # Unpack single item return W[0] else: return tuple(W)