Source code for WaveBlocksND.TrapezoidalQR

"""The WaveBlocks Project

This file contains the class for trapezoidal quadrature rules.

@author: R. Bourquin
@copyright: Copyright (C) 2011, 2013 R. Bourquin
@license: Modified BSD License

from copy import deepcopy
from numpy import linspace, abs, ones

from WaveBlocksND.QuadratureRule import QuadratureRule

__all__ = ["TrapezoidalQR"]

[docs]class TrapezoidalQR(QuadratureRule): r"""This class implements a trapezoidal quadrature rule. """ def __init__(self, left, right, number_nodes, options={}): r"""Initialize a new quadrature rule. :param number_nodes: The order :math:`R` of the trapezoidal quadrature rule. :raise: :py:class:`ValueError` if the ``number_nodes`` is not 1 or above. """ # The space dimension of the quadrature rule. self._dimension = 1 # The order R of the trapezoidal quadrature rule. self._number_nodes = number_nodes # Quadrature has to have at least a single (node,weight) pair. if self._number_nodes < 1: raise ValueError("Quadrature rule has to be of order 1 at least.") # Set the options self._options = options self._left = left self._right = right self._compute_qr() def __str__(self): return "Trapezoidal quadrature rule of number_nodes " + str(self._number_nodes)
[docs] def get_description(self): r"""Return a description of this quadrature rule object. A description is a ``dict`` containing all key-value pairs necessary to reconstruct the current instance. A description never contains any data. """ d = {} d["type"] = "TrapezoidalQR" d["dimension"] = self._dimension d["left"] = self._left d["right"] = self._right d["order"] = self._number_nodes d["options"] = deepcopy(self._options) return d
[docs] def get_nodes(self): r"""Returns the quadrature nodes :math:`\gamma_i`. :return: An array containing the quadrature nodes :math:`\gamma_i`. """ return self._nodes.copy()
[docs] def get_weights(self): r"""Returns the quadrature weights :math:`\omega_i`. :return: An array containing the quadrature weights :math:`\omega_i`. """ return self._weights.copy()
def _compute_qr(self): nodes = linspace(self._left, self._right, self._number_nodes) # The number of nodes in this quadrature rule self._number_nodes = nodes.size dx = abs(self._right - self._left) / (self._number_nodes - 1.0) weights = ones(nodes.shape) weights[0] = 0.5 weights[-1] = 0.5 weights = dx * weights self._nodes = nodes.reshape((1, nodes.size)) self._weights = weights.reshape((1, weights.size))