Computing tunneling probabilities --------------------------------- Assume we performed a simulation with the Eckart potential and an initial Gaussian wave-packet coming from the far left. There is a ready-made example setup bundled with WaveBlocks. The Eckart potential models some kind of tunneling at a smooth barrier. It is therefore natural to ask for the tunneling probability in dependence of time. The maximum of the potential :math:`V(x)` is at 0 and we compute the norm of the part of :math:`\Psi(x,t)` that tunneled onto the right side: .. math:: P(t) = \int_0^\infty \overline{\Psi(x)} \Psi(x) \mathrm{d} x There is no generic `Python` script doing this for us. The script ```` only computes the integral over the whole space. This is clearly not applicable here. But with a few lines of `Python` code, possibly entered at an interactive `Python` shell or Jupyter notebook we can find :math:`P(t)`. In the following we show step by step how to do it. First load the scientific libraries and ``WaveBlocksND``:: from numpy import * from matplotlib.pyplot import * from WaveBlocksND import * Then assume the simulation result file is located at ``~/Eckart_Tunneling/paper/phi0/simulation_results.hdf5``. We create an :py:class:`IOManager` instance and open the file :: IOM = IOManager() IOM.open_file("~/Eckart_Tunneling/paper/phi0/simulation_results.hdf5") Load the simulation parameters, this is essentially the content of the configuration script:: PA = IOM.load_parameters() Next we get a fresh :py:class:`BlockFactory` instance allowing us to easily create some of the more complicated objects, given the simulation parameters:: BF = BlockFactory() We create an new empty wave-packet with the initial values set for :math:`\varepsilon`, the parameter set :math:`\Pi` and the coefficients :math:`c`. Note that the block factory automatically creates the necessary :py:class:`BasisShape` that matches the initial values:: HAWP = BF.create_wavepacket(PA["wp0"]) Our integration domain:: x = linspace(0, 20, 2**11).reshape((1,-1)) A new :py:class:`WaveFunction` object. We will use its :py:func:`norm` method for evaluating the integral. At this point we can attach the grid to it:: WF = WaveFunction({"dimension":1, "ncomponents":1}) WF.set_grid(GridWrapper(x)) Load the so called `time grid`, this is an array with all time steps at which we saved the simulation:: tg = IOM.load_wavepacket_timegrid() Storage space for the tunneling norms at each time step:: tun_no = [] Now loop over all time steps, first load and set the wave-packet parameters :math:`\Pi(t)` and coefficients :math:`c(t)`, then evaluate the wave-packet on our truncated computational domain ``x``. Put these values into the ``WF`` object and tell it to compute the norm:: for step in tg: Pi = IOM.load_wavepacket_parameters(timestep=step) Ci = IOM.load_wavepacket_coefficients(timestep=step) HAWP.set_parameters(Pi) HAWP.set_coefficients(Ci) psi = HAWP.evaluate_at(x, prefactor=True) WF.set_values(psi) no = WF.norm() tun_no.append(no) Convert the `Python` list to a `numpy array` for easier handling:: tun_no = array(tun_no) At this point we have computed all the values :math:`P(t)`. What remains is plotting. But first we create a :py:class:`TimeManager` such that we can easily compute the physical times corresponding to our time steps in ``tg``:: TM = TimeManager(PA) time = TM.compute_time(tg) Ok, let's plot the values:: figure() plot(time, tun_no**2) grid(True) xlabel(r"$t$") ylabel(r"$\int_0^\infty \overline{\Psi(x)} \Psi(x) \mathrm{d}x$") savefig("tunneling_probability_packet.png") And do not forget to close the ``hdf5`` file in the end:: IOM.finalize() This is the plot we got: .. image:: tunneling_probability_packet.png The values could make sense given how the wave-function looks like at time :math:`t = 50`: .. image:: wavefunction_block0_0010000.png :scale: 50% If we use the ``fourier`` algorithm instead of wave-packets to perform the same simulation, then the process would differ in a few aspects. We show here the script performing the same computation as above:: from numpy import * from matplotlib.pyplot import * from WaveBlocksND import * IOM = IOManager() IOM.open_file("~/Eckart_Tunneling/paper/phi0/simulation_results.hdf5") PA = IOM.load_parameters() Load the grid we used for representing the wave-function during the simulation:: G = IOM.load_grid(blockid="global") Get all grid nodes :math:`x > 0` by some numpy magic:: indices = G >= 0 x = G[indices].reshape((1,-1)) This :py:class:`WaveFunction` object will hold the tunneled part:: WFhalf = WaveFunction({"dimension":1, "ncomponents":1}) WFhalf.set_grid(GridWrapper(x)) Now loop over all time steps, load the wave-function, cut off the part corresponding to the negative grid nodes and compute the norm:: tun_no = [] for step in tg: values = IOM.load_wavefunction(timestep=step) values_tun = values[:,indices] WFhalf.set_values(values_tun) no = WFhalf.norm() tun_no.append(no) tun_no = array(tun_no) Finally, plot the values:: TM = TimeManager(PA) time = TM.compute_time(tg) figure() plot(time, tun_no**2) grid(True) xlabel(r"$t$") ylabel(r"$\int_0^\infty \overline{\Psi(x)} \Psi(x) \mathrm{d}x$") savefig("tunneling_probability_fourier.png") IOM.finalize() and get: .. image:: tunneling_probability_fourier.png