
About the HagedornWavepacketInhomogeneous class

The WaveBlocks Project

@author: R. Bourquin @copyright: Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 R. Bourquin @license: Modified BSD License

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of HagedornWavepacketInhomogeneous

Class documentation

class WaveBlocksND.HagedornWavepacketInhomogeneous(dimension, ncomponents, eps)[source]

This class represents inhomogeneous vector valued Hagedorn wavepackets \Psi with N components in D space dimensions.

__init__(dimension, ncomponents, eps)[source]

Initialize a new in homogeneous Hagedorn wavepacket.

  • dimension – The space dimension D the packet has.
  • ncomponents – The number N of components the packet has.
  • eps – The semi-classical scaling parameter \varepsilon of the basis functions.

An instance of HagedornWavepacketInhomogeneous.

Returns:A string describing the Hagedorn wavepacket \Psi.
evaluate_at(grid, *, component=None, prefactor=False)

Evaluate the Hagedorn wavepacket \Psi at the given nodes \gamma.

  • grid (A class having a get_nodes(...)() method.) – The grid \Gamma containing the nodes \gamma.
  • component – The index i of a single component \Phi_i to evaluate. (Defaults to None for evaluating all components.)
  • prefactor (Boolean, default is False.) – Whether to include a factor of \frac{1}{\sqrt{\det(Q)}}.

A list of arrays or a single array containing the values of the \Phi_i at the nodes \gamma.

evaluate_basis_at(grid, component, *, prefactor=False)

Evaluate the basis functions \phi_k recursively at the given nodes \gamma.

  • grid (A class having a get_nodes(...)() method.) – The grid \Gamma containing the nodes \gamma.
  • component – The index i of a single component \Phi_i to evaluate.
  • prefactor (Boolean, default is False.) – Whether to include a factor of \frac{1}{\sqrt{\det(Q)}}.

A two-dimensional ndarray H of shape (|\mathfrak{K}_i|, |\Gamma|) where the entry H[\mu(k), i] is the value of \phi_k(\gamma_i).


Generate an (unique) ID per wavepacket instance.


The packet id is a string of length 32 because this is exactly the length of an ‘md5’ digest in hex representation.

get_basis_shapes(*, component=None)

Retrieve the basis shapes \mathfrak{K}_i for each component i.

Parameters:component (int) – The component i whose basis shape we request. (Default is None which means to return the basis shapes for all components.
Returns:The basis shape for an individual component or a list with all shapes.
get_coefficient(component, index)

Retrieve a single coefficient c^i_k of the specified component \Phi_i of \Psi.

  • component – The index i of the component \Phi_i we want to update.
  • index (A tuple of D integers.) – The multi-index k of the coefficient c^i_k we want to update.

A single complex number.


ValueError For invalid indices i or k.

get_coefficient_vector(*, component=None)

Retrieve the coefficients for all components \Phi_i simultaneously.


This function does not copy the input data! This is for efficiency as this routine is used in the innermost loops.

Parameters:component (int) – The component i whose coefficients we request. (Default is None which means to return the coefficients for all components.
Returns:The coefficients c^i of all components \Phi_i stacked into a single long column vector.
get_coefficients(*, component=None)

Returns the coefficients c^i for some component \Phi_i of \Psi or all the coefficients c of all components.

Note: this method copies the data arrays.

Parameters:component (int (Default is None meaning all)) – The index i of the component we want to retrieve.
Returns:A single ndarray with the coefficients of the given component or a list containing the ndarrays for each component. Each ndarray is two-dimensional with a shape of (|\mathfrak{K}_i|, 1).
Raise:ValueError For invalid component indices i.

Return a description of this wavepacket object. A description is a dict containing all key-value pairs necessary to reconstruct the current instance. A description never contains any data.

Returns:The space dimension D of the wavepacket \Psi.

Retrieve the semi-classical scaling parameter \varepsilon of the wavepacket.

Returns:The value of \varepsilon.

Return the Gradient subclass suitable for computing gradients of this wavepacket.

Returns:A GradientHAWP instance.

Return the packet ID of this wavepacket instance. The ID may be used for storing packets in associative lists.

Returns:The ID of the current instance.

Return the InnerProduct subclass instance used computing inner products and evaluating brakets.

Returns:The current InnerProduct subclass instance.
Returns:The number N of components the wavepacket \Psi has.
get_parameters(component=None, aslist=False, key=('q', 'p', 'Q', 'P', 'S'))[source]

Get the Hagedorn parameter set \Pi_i of each component :math`Phi_i` of the wavepacket \Psi.

  • component – The index i of the component \Phi_i whose parameters \Pi_i we want to get.
  • aslist – Dummy parameter for API compatibility with the homogeneous packets.

A list with all parameter sets \Pi_i or a single parameter set. The parameters \Pi_i = (q_i, p_i, Q_i, P_i, S_i) are always in this order.

norm(component=None, summed=False)

Calculate the L^2 norm \langle\Psi|\Psi\rangle of the wavepacket \Psi.

  • component (int or None.) – The index i of the component \Phi_i whose norm is calculated. The default value is None which means to compute the norms of all N components.
  • summed (Boolean, default is False.) – Whether to sum up the norms \langle\Phi_i|\Phi_i\rangle of the individual components \Phi_i.

The norm of \Psi or the norm of \Phi_i or a list with the N norms of all components. Depending on the values of component and summed.

set_basis_shapes(basis_shape, *, component=None)

Set the basis shape \mathfrak{K} of a given component or for all components.

  • basis_shape (A subclass of BasisShape.) – The basis shape for an individual component or a list with all N shapes.
  • component (int) – The component i whose basis shape we want to set. (Default is None which means to set the basis shapes for all components.
set_coefficient(component, index, value)

Set a single coefficient c^i_k of the specified component \Phi_i of \Psi.

  • component – The index i of the component \Phi_i we want to update.
  • index (A tuple of D integers.) – The multi-index k of the coefficient c^i_k we want to update.
  • value – The new value of the coefficient c^i_k.

ValueError For invalid indices i or k.


Set the coefficients for all components \Phi_i simultaneously.


This function does not copy the input data! This is for efficiency as this routine is used in the innermost loops.

Parameters:vector (A two-dimensional ndarray of appropriate shape.) – The coefficients of all components as a single long column vector.
set_coefficients(values, *, component=None)

Update all the coefficients c of \Psi or update the coefficients c^i of the components \Phi_i only.

Note: this method copies the data arrays.

  • values (An ndarray of suitable shape or a list of ndarrays.) – The new values of the coefficients c^i of \Phi_i.
  • component (int (Default is None meaning all)) – The index i of the component we want to update with new coefficients.

ValueError For invalid component indices i.


Manually set a new ID for the current wavepacket instance.

Parameters:anid (str) – The new ID.

Set the InnerProduct subclass instance used for computing inner products and evaluating brakets.

Parameters:innerproduct – The new InnerProduct subclass instance.
set_parameters(Pi, component=None, key=('q', 'p', 'Q', 'P', 'S'))[source]

Set the Hagedorn parameter set \Pi_i of each component :math`Phi_i` of the wavepacket \Psi.

  • Pi (A single tuple or a list of tuples) – The parameter sets \Pi_i = (q_i, p_i, Q_i, P_i, S_i) with its values in this order.
  • component – The index i of the component \Phi_i whose parameters \Pi_i we want to update.
slim_recursion(grid, component, *, prefactor=False)

Evaluate the Hagedorn wavepacket \Psi at the given nodes \gamma. This routine is a slim version compared to the full basis evaluation. At every moment we store only the data we really need to compute the next step until we hit the highest order basis functions.

  • grid (A class having a get_nodes(...)() method.) – The grid \Gamma containing the nodes \gamma.
  • component – The index i of a single component \Phi_i to evaluate.
  • prefactor (Boolean, default is False.) – Whether to include a factor of \frac{1}{\sqrt{\det(Q)}}.

A list of arrays or a single array containing the values of the \Phi_i at the nodes \gamma.

Note that this function does not include the global phase \exp(\frac{i S}{\varepsilon^2}).