Source code for WaveBlocksND.KineticOperator

"""The WaveBlocks Project

This file contains code for the representation of the kinetic
operator :math:`-\frac{1}{2} \Delta` in the Fourier space.

@author: R. Bourquin
@copyright: Copyright (C) 2012, 2014 R. Bourquin
@license: Modified BSD License

from functools import reduce
from numpy import roll, exp, pi, square, add
from numpy.fft import fftfreq

__all__ = ["KineticOperator"]

[docs]class KineticOperator(object): """This class represents the kinetic operator :math:`T` in Fourier space. """
[docs] def __init__(self, grid, eps=None): r"""Compute the Fourier transformation of the position space representation of the kinetic operator :math:`T`. :param grid: The position space grid :math:`\Gamma` of which we compute its Fourier transform :math:`\Omega`. :param eps: The semi-classical scaling parameter :math:`\varepsilon`. (optional) """ # Cache the value of eps if given self._eps = eps # TODO: Consider class "FourierSpaceGrid" D = grid.get_dimension() N = grid.get_number_nodes() T = grid.get_extensions() # Fourier domain nodes prefactors = [t / (2.0 * pi) for t in T] omega = [fftfreq(n, d=1.0 / n) for n in N] omega = [o / p for o, p in zip(omega, prefactors)] # Reshape properly shape = [-1] + (D - 1) * [1] omega = [o.reshape(roll(shape, i)) for i, o in enumerate(omega)] # Compute the dot product of omega with itself omega_sqr = reduce(add, map(square, omega)) # Fourier space grid axes self._omega = omega # Omega dot Omega self._omega_sqr = omega_sqr
[docs] def get_fourier_grid_axes(self): r"""Return the grid axes of the Fourier space grid :math:`\Omega`. """ return tuple([o.copy() for o in self._omega])
[docs] def calculate_operator(self, eps=None): r"""Calculate the kinetic operator :math:`\hat{T} = \frac{\varepsilon^4}{2} \underline{\omega} \cdot \underline{\omega}` in Fourier space. :param eps: The semi-classical scaling parameter :math:`\varepsilon`. It has to be given here or during the initialization of the current instance. """ if eps is None: eps = self._eps if eps is None: # The value was not cached at initialization raise AttributeError("Parameter eps not given") self._OpT = 0.5 * eps**4 * self._omega_sqr
[docs] def calculate_exponential(self, factor=1.0): r"""Calculate the exponential :math:`\exp(\alpha \underline{\omega} \cdot \underline{\omega})` used in the Strang splitting. :param factor: The prefactor :math:`\alpha`. It defaults to 1 but is usually set to :math:`-\frac{i}{2} \varepsilon^2 \tau` by the caller. """ self._expOpT = exp(factor * self._omega_sqr)
[docs] def evaluate_at(self, grid=None): r"""Evaluate the kinetic operator :math:`\hat{T} = \frac{\varepsilon^4}{2} \underline{\omega} \cdot \underline{\omega}` in Fourier space. This returns an numpy ``ndarray`` by using a specific :math:`\underline{\omega}`. :param grid: Unused dummy parameter. """ return self._OpT.copy()
[docs] def evaluate_exponential_at(self, grid=None): r"""Evaluate the exponential :math:`\exp(\alpha \hat{T})` in Fourier space. This returns a numpy ``ndarray`` by using a specific :math:`\underline{\omega}`. The factor :math:`\alpha` can be set by the corresponding method. :param grid: Unused dummy parameter. """ return self._expOpT.copy()