
About the KineticOperator class

The WaveBlocks Project

@author: R. Bourquin @copyright: Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 R. Bourquin @license: Modified BSD License

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of KineticOperator

Class documentation

class WaveBlocksND.KineticOperator(grid, eps=None)[source]

This class represents the kinetic operator T in Fourier space.

__init__(grid, eps=None)[source]

Compute the Fourier transformation of the position space representation of the kinetic operator T.

  • grid – The position space grid \Gamma of which we compute its Fourier transform \Omega.
  • eps – The semi-classical scaling parameter \varepsilon. (optional)

Calculate the exponential \exp(\alpha \underline{\omega} \cdot \underline{\omega}) used in the Strang splitting.

Parameters:factor – The prefactor \alpha. It defaults to 1 but is usually set to -\frac{i}{2} \varepsilon^2 \tau by the caller.

Calculate the kinetic operator \hat{T} = \frac{\varepsilon^4}{2} \underline{\omega} \cdot \underline{\omega} in Fourier space.

Parameters:eps – The semi-classical scaling parameter \varepsilon. It has to be given here or during the initialization of the current instance.

Evaluate the kinetic operator \hat{T} = \frac{\varepsilon^4}{2} \underline{\omega} \cdot \underline{\omega} in Fourier space. This returns an numpy ndarray by using a specific \underline{\omega}.

Parameters:grid – Unused dummy parameter.

Evaluate the exponential \exp(\alpha \hat{T}) in Fourier space. This returns a numpy ndarray by using a specific \underline{\omega}. The factor \alpha can be set by the corresponding method.

Parameters:grid – Unused dummy parameter.

Return the grid axes of the Fourier space grid \Omega.