Source code for WaveBlocksND.PhaseSpaceLattice

"""The WaveBlocks Project

This file contains code for constructing phase space lattices.

@author: R. Bourquin
@copyright: Copyright (C) 2013 R. Bourquin
@license: Modified BSD License

from numpy import array, sqrt, pi, mgrid, complexfloating, einsum, product, sum

__all__ = ["PhaseSpaceLattice"]

[docs]class PhaseSpaceLattice(object): r"""A phase space lattice centered around an energy :math:`E_0` and bounded by an energy delta :math:`\Delta E`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, potential, energy, energydelta, eps, D): r""" Configure a new phase space lattice centered around an energy :math:`E_0` and bounded by an energy delta :math:`\Delta E`. The actual lattice points are computed by the member function :py:func:`compute_lattice`. :param potential: The potential :math:`V`. :type potential: Not a :py:class:`MatrixPotential` instance but possible a (partially evaluated) member method like :py:func:`evaluate_at` or any scalar valued function. :param energy: The energy :math:`E_0` around which to center the lattice points. :param energydelta: The energy delta :math:`\Delta E`. :param eps: The semiclassical scaling parameter :math:`\varepsilon`. :param D: The dimensionality :math:`D` of position space. """ self._potential = potential self._eps = eps self._energy = energy self._energydelta = energydelta self._dimension = D self._lattice_computed = False
[docs] def compute_lattice(self, qlimits, plimits): r"""Compute the lattice points. Search for valid points an a hypercubic region of phase space given by limits for position :math:`q` and momentum :math:`p`. :param qlimits: The position limits :math:`q^d_{\mathrm{min}}` and :math:`q^d_{\mathrm{max}}` for all dimensions :math:`d \in [0,\ldots,D-1]`. :type qlimits: A list of pairs of floats. :param plimits: The momentum limit :math:`p^d_{\mathrm{min}}` and :math:`p^d_{\mathrm{max}}` for all dimensions :math:`d \in [0,\ldots,D-1]`. :type plimits: A list of pairs of floats. """ dimension = self._dimension latdist = 0.75 * self._eps * sqrt(pi) qslicers = [slice(lims[0], lims[1] + latdist, latdist) for lims in qlimits] pslicers = [slice(lims[0], lims[1] + latdist, latdist) for lims in plimits] qgrid = array(mgrid[qslicers], dtype=complexfloating).reshape((dimension, -1)) pgrid = array(mgrid[pslicers], dtype=complexfloating).reshape((dimension, -1)) qvals = self._potential(qgrid) pvals = 0.5 * einsum("ij,ij->j", pgrid, pgrid).reshape(-1, 1) Z = qvals + pvals indices = (abs(Z - self._energy) < self._energydelta) keepq = [] keepp = [] rows, cols = indices.shape for r in range(rows): for c in range(cols): if bool(indices[r, c]) is True: keepq.append(c) keepp.append(r) qgridf = qgrid[:, keepq] pgridf = pgrid[:, keepp] ps_size = sum(indices) ps_size_full = product(Z.shape) print("Phase space lattice size: {}".format(ps_size)) print(" number candidates tested: {}".format(ps_size_full)) print(" pruning factor: "+str((1.0 - ps_size / (1.0 * ps_size_full)) * 100)+"%") self._qgrid = qgridf self._pgrid = pgridf self._lattice_size = ps_size self._lattice_computed = True
[docs] def get_lattice(self): r""" :return: The phase space lattice in the form ``(qgrid, pgrid)`` where each grid is an :py:class:`ndarray` of shape ``(D, lattice_size)`` """ if self._lattice_computed: return (self._qgrid, self._pgrid) else: raise ValueError("Phase space lattice not yet computed")
[docs] def get_lattice_size(self): r""" :return: The number of points :math:`(q_i,p_i)` in the lattice. """ if self._lattice_computed: return self._lattice_size else: raise ValueError("Phase space lattice not yet computed")