
About the PhaseSpaceLattice class

The WaveBlocks Project

@author: R. Bourquin @copyright: Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 R. Bourquin @license: Modified BSD License

Inheritance diagram

Inheritance diagram of PhaseSpaceLattice

Class documentation

class WaveBlocksND.PhaseSpaceLattice(potential, energy, energydelta, eps, D)[source]

A phase space lattice centered around an energy E_0 and bounded by an energy delta \Delta E.

__init__(potential, energy, energydelta, eps, D)[source]

Configure a new phase space lattice centered around an energy E_0 and bounded by an energy delta \Delta E. The actual lattice points are computed by the member function compute_lattice().

  • potential (Not a MatrixPotential instance but possible a (partially evaluated) member method like evaluate_at() or any scalar valued function.) – The potential V.
  • energy – The energy E_0 around which to center the lattice points.
  • energydelta – The energy delta \Delta E.
  • eps – The semiclassical scaling parameter \varepsilon.
  • D – The dimensionality D of position space.
compute_lattice(qlimits, plimits)[source]

Compute the lattice points. Search for valid points an a hypercubic region of phase space given by limits for position q and momentum p.

  • qlimits (A list of pairs of floats.) – The position limits q^d_{\mathrm{min}} and q^d_{\mathrm{max}} for all dimensions d \in [0,\ldots,D-1].
  • plimits (A list of pairs of floats.) – The momentum limit p^d_{\mathrm{min}} and p^d_{\mathrm{max}} for all dimensions d \in [0,\ldots,D-1].
Returns:The phase space lattice in the form (qgrid, pgrid) where each grid is an ndarray of shape (D, lattice_size)
Returns:The number of points (q_i,p_i) in the lattice.