Computing tunneling probabilitiesΒΆ

Assume we performed a simulation with the Eckart potential and an initial Gaussian wave-packet coming from the far left. There is a ready-made example setup bundled with WaveBlocks. The Eckart potential models some kind of tunneling at a smooth barrier. It is therefore natural to ask for the tunneling probability in dependence of time. The maximum of the potential V(x) is at 0 and we compute the norm of the part of \Psi(x,t) that tunneled onto the right side:

P(t) = \int_0^\infty \overline{\Psi(x)} \Psi(x) \mathrm{d} x

There is no generic Python script doing this for us. The script only computes the integral over the whole space. This is clearly not applicable here. But with a few lines of Python code, possibly entered at an interactive Python shell or Jupyter notebook we can find P(t). In the following we show step by step how to do it.

First load the scientific libraries and WaveBlocksND:

from numpy import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *

from WaveBlocksND import *

Then assume the simulation result file is located at ~/Eckart_Tunneling/paper/phi0/simulation_results.hdf5. We create an IOManager instance and open the file

IOM = IOManager()

Load the simulation parameters, this is essentially the content of the configuration script:

PA = IOM.load_parameters()

Next we get a fresh BlockFactory instance allowing us to easily create some of the more complicated objects, given the simulation parameters:

BF = BlockFactory()

We create an new empty wave-packet with the initial values set for \varepsilon, the parameter set \Pi and the coefficients c. Note that the block factory automatically creates the necessary BasisShape that matches the initial values:

HAWP = BF.create_wavepacket(PA["wp0"])

Our integration domain:

x = linspace(0, 20, 2**11).reshape((1,-1))

A new WaveFunction object. We will use its norm() method for evaluating the integral. At this point we can attach the grid to it:

WF = WaveFunction({"dimension":1, "ncomponents":1})

Load the so called time grid, this is an array with all time steps at which we saved the simulation:

tg = IOM.load_wavepacket_timegrid()

Storage space for the tunneling norms at each time step:

tun_no = []

Now loop over all time steps, first load and set the wave-packet parameters \Pi(t) and coefficients c(t), then evaluate the wave-packet on our truncated computational domain x. Put these values into the WF object and tell it to compute the norm:

for step in tg:
    Pi = IOM.load_wavepacket_parameters(timestep=step)
    Ci = IOM.load_wavepacket_coefficients(timestep=step)

    psi = HAWP.evaluate_at(x, prefactor=True)
    no = WF.norm()


Convert the Python list to a numpy array for easier handling:

tun_no = array(tun_no)

At this point we have computed all the values P(t). What remains is plotting. But first we create a TimeManager such that we can easily compute the physical times corresponding to our time steps in tg:

TM = TimeManager(PA)
time = TM.compute_time(tg)

Ok, let’s plot the values:

plot(time, tun_no**2)
ylabel(r"$\int_0^\infty \overline{\Psi(x)} \Psi(x) \mathrm{d}x$")

And do not forget to close the hdf5 file in the end:


This is the plot we got:


The values could make sense given how the wave-function looks like at time t = 50:


If we use the fourier algorithm instead of wave-packets to perform the same simulation, then the process would differ in a few aspects. We show here the script performing the same computation as above:

from numpy import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from WaveBlocksND import *

IOM = IOManager()

PA = IOM.load_parameters()

Load the grid we used for representing the wave-function during the simulation:

G = IOM.load_grid(blockid="global")

Get all grid nodes x > 0 by some numpy magic:

indices = G >= 0
x = G[indices].reshape((1,-1))

This WaveFunction object will hold the tunneled part:

WFhalf = WaveFunction({"dimension":1, "ncomponents":1})

Now loop over all time steps, load the wave-function, cut off the part corresponding to the negative grid nodes and compute the norm:

tun_no = []

for step in tg:
    values = IOM.load_wavefunction(timestep=step)
    values_tun = values[:,indices]

    no = WFhalf.norm()


tun_no = array(tun_no)

Finally, plot the values:

TM = TimeManager(PA)
time = TM.compute_time(tg)

plot(time, tun_no**2)
ylabel(r"$\int_0^\infty \overline{\Psi(x)} \Psi(x) \mathrm{d}x$")


and get:
